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80386 Opcodes: ICEBP (0xF1)


Excerpt from http://www.rcollins.org/secrets/opcodes/ICEBP.html:

An undocumented op code that will make debugging run-time code
on an ICE easier. Normally, to set an arbitrary breakpoint in a
program which was loaded by an operating system, you must perform
a laborious task of figuring out where your program was loaded
in memory. Follow that process with an equally laborious task of
calculating the offset in memory which corresponds to the desired

This process is exacerbated by programs which use many segments,
especially many code segments. Now for one final complication,
consider that your program switches from real mode, to protected mode,
with paging enabled, and you are not using a 1-to-1 mapping of physical
to virtual memory. You want to talk about a nightmare just to figure
out where to set a breakpoint?

All of these problems are eliminated, simply by using this instruction
-- provided you know its caveats.

Undocumented:  Available to all 80386-class (and above)
               processors as described herein.
               May be available to 80286 processors, but
                 implemented in a different manner.
               Useful to BONDOUT (ICE) processors.
               Especially useful during ICE debugging.
               Useful in production source code.
Flags:                                            ICE Break Point
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                  +----------+
|O|D|I|T|S|Z|A|P|C|                                  | 11110001 |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                  +----------+
| | | | | | | | | |                                  |    F1    |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+                                  +----------+

The name ICEBP was given by a pre-production Intel ICE that had the
ability to disassemble undocumented op codes. The name ICEBP is a
misnomer because the instruction is actually a single byte single-step
exception (INT-01).

How you use ICEBP depends upon whether or not you are using an 80386
ICE, Intel486 ICE, or Pentium ICE. For the purposes of this article,
usage of ICEBP on 80386 and Intel486 are identical. Pentium enables
ICEBP a little differently than its predecessors.

Two effects of ICEBP -- 80386 and Intel486

ICEBP has two operational effects: When Interrupt Redirection (IR) is
disabled, ICEBP acts as a single byte INT 01. When this instruction occurs,
it invokes the standard INT 01 handler. Unlike the single step exception
(Trap Flag=1), this instruction does not set the trap flag on the stack
image, nor modifies the trap flag on the stack image. Therefore, upon
termination of the INT 01 handler, execution continues without further
occurrences of the single step breakpoints.

When Interrupt Redirection is enabled, ICEBP will attempt to invoke the
hardware breakpoint handler associated with an In Circuit Emulator (ICE).
If the processor is a production CPU, the processor will hang. If the
processor is a BONDOUT CPU attached to an ICE, ICEBP will cause the ICE
to break from emulation. On an Intel ICE, the message "Unknown Breakpoint
at address xxxx:xxxx:xxxxxxxx" appears on the screen.

There are two ways to enable Interrupt Redirection. It can be done by
directly programming DR7 (see "Undocumented Bits in DR7"), or this bit
can be set (indirectly) using an ICE. To set this bit using an ICE, you
must first be in HALT mode. Any "go til" command that uses the debug
registers will enable Interrupt Redirection. For example, "go til 1234:5678
execute," "go til 1025:3245 write," or simply "go til 0 p" will enable
Interrupt Redirection. This work because the ICE actually uses the debug
registers to trap debug exceptions. Of course, this directly implies that
any time the ICE uses the debug registers to signify break points, and
emulation halts, it does so following an INT 01 to the ICE break point
handler (since interrupt redirection is enabled).