PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


IBM BASIC Compiler 1.00

[PCjs Machine "ibm5150"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5150" to load....

Directory of IBM BASIC Compiler 1.00 (Disk 1)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BASCOM   COM     41600   5-07-82  12:00p
LINK     EXE     41856   5-07-82  12:00p
DEMO     BAS      7424   5-07-82  12:00p
SAMPLE   BAT       127   5-07-82  12:00p
CREATE   BAT        86   5-07-82  12:00p
COM      BAT       410   5-07-82  12:00p
EASY     BAT       546   5-07-82  12:00p
BIG      BAT       783   5-07-82  12:00p
SUBRT    BAT       862   5-07-82  12:00p
        9 file(s)      93694 bytes
                       64000 bytes free

Directory of IBM BASIC Compiler 1.00 (Disk 2)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BASCOM   LIB    103936   5-07-82  12:00p
BASRUN   EXE     31744   5-07-82  12:00p
BASRUN   LIB      3072   5-07-82  12:00p
IBMCOM   OBJ      3200   5-07-82  12:00p
        4 file(s)     141952 bytes
                       17920 bytes free