PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


HomeBase 1.04A

On initial startup (or reset) of the IBM PC AT below, a PCjs machine script automatically loads the “HomeBase 1.04A” diskette into drive A: and runs the INSTALL program.

After installation and reboot, the HomeBase program displays the following messages:

HomeBase Copyright(c) 1985 by Amber Systems, Inc. - All rights reserved
Code version 1.04a, dated 7/26/85
HBKERNEL version 2.46, HBASYNC version 2.43, HBVSI version 4.02
Loading help index...
HomeBase uses 128368 bytes of memory of which 20392 are for buffers.

Press Alt/Shift/H for HomeBase

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170-hb"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170-hb" to load....

BYTE Magazine Advertisement from March 1985

HomeBase Ad, Page 1

HomeBase Ad, Page 2

Directory of HomeBase 1.04A

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

INSTALL  BAT      8064   7-29-85  11:22a
CONFLOP  SYS       128   7-26-85  12:00p
CONHARD  SYS       128   7-26-85  12:00p
INSDONE  BAT       896   7-26-85  12:00p
AUTOHARD BAT       128   7-26-85  12:00p
INSFLOP  BAT      3968   7-26-85  12:00p
ASK      COM       512   7-26-85  12:00p
GPATH    COM       512   7-26-85  12:00p
HBKERNEL BIN     15862   7-26-85  12:00p
HBASYNC  BIN      4848   7-26-85  12:00p
HBVSI    EXE     14091   7-26-85  12:00p
HB       EXE     81904   7-26-85  12:00p
HB       OVR    102800   7-26-85  12:00p
HB       HLP     56296   7-26-85  12:00p
HBGRAB   COM       896   7-26-85  12:00p
AUTOFLOP BAT       128   7-26-85  12:00p
KERNEL   TXT     30452   7-26-85  12:00p
PROKEYHB TXT       512   7-26-85  12:00p
README           12928   7-29-85  11:28a
       19 file(s)     335053 bytes
                       19456 bytes free