PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.



PC DOS 3.00 was announced on August 14, 1984 and released in September 1984.

A Feature Summary, along with Directory Listings of the two 360Kb distribution diskettes, are provided below.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170-pcdos300"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170-pcdos300" to load....

Feature Summary

New features:

New external commands:

New CONFIG.SYS commands:

Removed CONFIG.SYS commands:

New device drivers:


New functions:

Removed functions:

Directory of PC DOS 3.00 (Disk 1)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

IBMBIO   COM*     8964   7-05-84   3:00p
IBMDOS   COM*    27920   7-05-84   3:00p
COMMAND  COM     22042   8-14-84   8:00a
ANSI     SYS      1641   8-14-84   8:00a
SORT     EXE      1632   8-14-84   8:00a
SHARE    EXE      8544   8-14-84   8:00a
FIND     EXE      6363   8-14-84   8:00a
ATTRIB   EXE     15123   8-14-84   8:00a
MORE     COM       320   8-14-84   8:00a
ASSIGN   COM       988   8-14-84   8:00a
PRINT    COM      7811   8-14-84   8:00a
SYS      COM      3629   8-14-84   8:00a
CHKDSK   COM      9275   8-14-84   8:00a
FORMAT   COM      9015   8-14-84   8:00a
VDISK    SYS      3080   8-14-84   8:00a
BASIC    COM     17024   8-14-84   8:00a
BASICA   COM     26880   8-14-84   8:00a
FDISK    COM      8076   8-14-84   8:00a
COMP     COM      3471   8-14-84   8:00a
TREE     COM      2473   8-14-84   8:00a
BACKUP   COM      5440   8-14-84   8:00a
RESTORE  COM      5413   8-14-84   8:00a
LABEL    COM      1260   8-14-84   8:00a
DISKCOPY COM      4165   8-14-84   8:00a
DISKCOMP COM      3752   8-14-84   8:00a
KEYBSP   COM      2073   8-14-84   8:00a
KEYBIT   COM      1854   8-14-84   8:00a
KEYBGR   COM      2111   8-14-84   8:00a
KEYBUK   COM      1760   8-14-84   8:00a
KEYBFR   COM      2235   8-14-84   8:00a
MODE     COM      5194   8-14-84   8:00a
SELECT   COM      2079   8-14-84   8:00a
GRAPHICS COM      3111   8-14-84   8:00a
RECOVER  COM      4066   8-14-84   8:00a
EDLIN    COM      7183   8-14-84   8:00a
GRAFTABL COM      1169   8-14-84   8:00a
       36 file(s)     237136 bytes
                      103424 bytes free

Directory of PC DOS 3.00 (Disk 2)

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

LINK     EXE     45970   8-14-84   8:00a
EXE2BIN  EXE      2752   8-14-84   8:00a
DEBUG    COM     15237   8-14-84   8:00a
VDISK    LST    128900   8-14-84   8:00a
SAMPLES  BAS      3093   8-14-84   8:00a
ART      BAS      1920   8-14-84   8:00a
MUSIC    BAS     10291   8-14-84   8:00a
MUSICA   BAS     15255   8-14-84   8:00a
MORTGAGE BAS      6272   8-14-84   8:00a
COLORBAR BAS      1536   8-14-84   8:00a
DONKEY   BAS      3584   8-14-84   8:00a
CIRCLE   BAS      1664   8-14-84   8:00a
PIECHART BAS      2304   8-14-84   8:00a
SPACE    BAS      1920   8-14-84   8:00a
BALL     BAS      2048   8-14-84   8:00a
COMM     BAS      4352   8-14-84   8:00a
       16 file(s)     247098 bytes
                      108544 bytes free