PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


Microsoft Multiplan 1.06

NOTE: The Microsoft Multiplan 1.06 disk below is not an original distribution disk. It was obtained from VETUSWARE and contains a pre-installed copy of MP.COM (the original MP.COM may have been preserved as MPBARE.COM). No installation files were included with the disk.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5160" to load....

Directory of MS Multiplan 1.06 (Modified)

 Volume in drive A is MULTIPLAN
 Directory of A:\

IBMBIO   COM*     4736  10-20-83  12:00p
IBMDOS   COM*    17024  10-20-83  12:00p
COMMAND  COM     17792  10-20-83  12:00p
MP       LOD     20488   2-28-83   6:26p
MP       SYS     24130   2-28-83   6:27p
MP       HLP     41000   2-28-83   6:30p
MP       COM      8441  11-01-84   7:20p
MP40     DAT      6364   2-28-83   6:28p
MP80     DAT      6314   3-01-83  10:01a
MPBARE   COM      7424   2-28-83   6:45p
       10 file(s)     153713 bytes
                      201728 bytes free

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