PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


Software Carousel 3.0.1

NOTE: Software Carousel 3.0.1 appears to have abandoned the complex copy-protection logic that shipped with Software Carousel 2.0.3.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

SERIALNO EXE*     1808   1-04-88   3:50p
READ_ME  1ST     15860   5-31-89   4:35p
INSTALL  BAT      4428   1-23-89   2:00p
CAROUSEL EXE      7068   3-01-89  12:59p
CAROUSEL PGL      5074   3-01-89  12:59p
CAROUSEL PGM     44884   7-21-89  10:11a
SCCONFIG EXE     38432   7-21-89  10:14a
TESTCAR  COM      2174  10-25-88   2:51p
UNINSTAL BAT      3822   3-03-89  12:12p
ID       CAR         0   7-21-89  11:07a
ETC          <DIR>       7-21-89  11:08a
       11 file(s)     123550 bytes

 Directory of A:\ETC

.            <DIR>       7-21-89  11:08a
..           <DIR>       7-21-89  11:08a
ETC      DOC      3801   5-31-89   2:14p
BOOT     COM        41   2-28-89   4:14p
HIMEMSLS SYS      4762   3-16-89   7:49p
NOVELL   EXE      4416   3-06-89   2:12p
POPOVER  COM       167   3-04-87  11:41a
QUITSC   COM        36   2-28-89   4:10p
SCCONVER EXE     17120   7-21-89  10:21a
SWITCHC  ASM      9528   5-15-89  12:12p
SWITCHC  COM        63   5-01-89  10:23p
TUTORIAL DOC     17828   2-23-89   2:52p
SCPGM    202     36026   3-10-89   4:14p
SCPGM    210     38213   3-10-89   3:57p
SCPGM    300     43767   3-13-89   7:38p
       15 file(s)     175768 bytes

Total files listed:
       26 file(s)     299318 bytes
                       50176 bytes free

Software Carousel 3.0.1