PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


COMPAQ Diagnostics 5.08

This early COMPAQ Diagnostics diskette from the PCjs archives is noteworthy because it contains COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31 system files that are more than one year older than any other release of COMPAQ MS-DOS 3.31 we’ve seen.


    C O M P A Q (R)   P E R S O N A L   C O M P U T E R S

    U S E R   D I A G N O S T I C S   A N D   S E T U P

The USER DIAGNOSTICS diskette contains the TEST program as
well as SETUP.  USER DIAGNOSTICS Version 5.08 and SETUP version
5.05 supercede any earlier versions located on other COMPAQ
USER PROGRAMS diskettes.

At the A> prompt, type the NUMBER of the utility for which
you want instructions and press the ENTER key.

     1.  Information about the TEST program.

     2.  Information about the SETUP program.

     3.  Information about the ROMREV program.

[PCjs Machine "deskpro386"]

Waiting for machine "deskpro386" to load....

Directory of COMPAQ Diagnostics 5.08

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

IBMBIO   COM*    23591   9-16-87  12:00p
IBMDOS   COM*    30632   9-16-87  12:00p
COMMAND  COM*    25332   9-16-87  12:00p
AUTOEXEC BAT*       33   1-29-88  12:00p
CONFIG   SYS*       12   1-29-88  12:00p
DISKCOPY COM*     6264   9-16-87  12:00p
ROMREV   COM      1248   1-29-88  12:00p
USER     EXE*   193264   1-29-88  12:00p
TEST     COM      1984   1-29-88  12:00p
SETUP    EXE     39968   1-29-88  12:00p
README   CPQ      1464   1-29-88  12:00p
1        BAT        70   1-29-88  12:00p
2        BAT        71   1-29-88  12:00p
3        BAT        72   1-29-88  12:00p
TEST     SCR       549   1-29-88  12:00p
SETUP    SCR       652   1-29-88  12:00p
ROMREV   SCR       518   1-29-88  12:00p
       17 file(s)     325724 bytes
                       16384 bytes free

COMPAQ Diagnostics 5.08