PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


Norton Utilities 6.01

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Directory of Norton Utilities 6.01 (Install)

 Volume in drive A is Disk 1of8
 Directory of A:\

INSTALL  EXE     63865   8-05-91   6:01a
INSTALL  CFG      8399   8-05-91   6:01a
READ     ME      25921   8-05-91   6:01a
DISKREET EXE     93817   8-05-91   6:01a
DISKREET SYS     52930   8-05-91   6:01a
PCSHADOW SYS       833   8-05-91   6:01a
NORTON   EXE      4217   8-05-91   6:01a
NORTON   OVL     63605   8-05-91   6:01a
NORTCMD  TXT     10821   8-05-91   6:01a
NUDOS5   HLP      2413   8-05-91   6:01a
NUCONFIG OVL       876   8-05-91   6:01a
ICONARC  EXE     16944   8-05-91   6:01a
       12 file(s)     344641 bytes
                       11264 bytes free

Directory of Norton Utilities 6.01 (Emergency 1)

 Volume in drive A is Disk 2of8
 Directory of A:\

NDD      EXE    117113   8-05-91   6:01a
UNFORMAT EXE     60025   8-05-91   6:01a
DISKTOOL EXE     82137   8-05-91   6:01a
CALIBRAT EXE     80809   8-05-91   6:01a
        4 file(s)     340084 bytes
                       20480 bytes free

Directory of Norton Utilities 6.01 (Emergency 2)

 Volume in drive A is Disk 3of8
 Directory of A:\

UNERASE  EXE    112985   8-05-91   6:01a
FILEFIX  EXE     90921   8-05-91   6:01a
DISKEDIT EXE    133401   8-05-91   6:01a
        3 file(s)     337307 bytes
                       23552 bytes free

Directory of Norton Utilities 6.01 (Utility 1)

 Volume in drive A is Disk 4of8
 Directory of A:\

SYSINFO  EXE     91561   8-05-91   6:01a
NCC      EXE     65737   8-05-91   6:01a
SPEEDISK EXE     81225   8-05-91   6:01a
NCACHE   EXE     61988   8-05-91   6:01a
DS       EXE     56281   8-05-91   6:01a
        5 file(s)     356792 bytes
                        3072 bytes free

Directory of Norton Utilities 6.01 (Utility 2)

 Volume in drive A is Disk 5of8
 Directory of A:\

FILEFIND EXE     74777   8-05-91   6:01a
IMAGE    EXE     11049   8-05-91   6:01a
LP       EXE     12793   8-05-91   6:01a
NUCONFIG EXE     74617   8-05-91   6:01a
DISKMON  EXE     49177   8-05-91   6:01a
SFORMAT  EXE     64921   8-05-91   6:01a
        6 file(s)     287334 bytes
                       71680 bytes free

Directory of Norton Utilities 6.01 (Utility 3)

 Volume in drive A is Disk 6of8
 Directory of A:\

NDOS     COM     11855   8-05-91   6:01a
NDOS     OVL     73510   8-05-91   6:01a
NDOS2E   COM      1268   8-05-91   6:01a
KEYSTACK SYS      1143   8-05-91   6:01a
NHELP    EXE     40521   8-05-91   6:01a
        5 file(s)     128297 bytes
                      231424 bytes free

Directory of Norton Utilities 6.01 (Utility 4)

 Volume in drive A is Disk 7of8
 Directory of A:\

HELPARC  EXE    267704   8-05-91   6:01a
        1 file(s)     267704 bytes
                       94208 bytes free

Directory of Norton Utilities 6.01 (Utility 5)

 Volume in drive A is Disk 8of8
 Directory of A:\

FA       EXE      9097   8-05-91   6:01a
FD       EXE      9865   8-05-91   6:01a
FL       EXE      8937   8-05-91   6:01a
FS       EXE      8617   8-05-91   6:01a
BE       EXE     18377   8-05-91   6:01a
NCD      EXE     82105   8-05-91   6:01a
EP       EXE     63209   8-05-91   6:01a
WIPEINFO EXE     56841   8-05-91   6:01a
TS       EXE     18841   8-05-91   6:01a
NDOSARC  EXE     39190   8-05-91   6:01a
       10 file(s)     315079 bytes
                       43008 bytes free