PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


Microsoft BASIC Compiler 5.36

The only version of the Microsoft BASIC Compiler we have added to the project so far is v5.36, a 1984 release from our private disk collection. It is not an original distribution disk, and it contains a number of unrelated files, including sample files from a demo version of BetterBASIC, a competing product from Summit Software Technology, Inc.

See the IBM BASIC Compiler, which was also produced by Microsoft.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5160" to load....

Directory of MS BASIC Compiler 5.36

 Volume in drive A has no label
 Directory of A:\

BASCOM   COM     39936   4-24-84  12:00p
BASRUN   EXE     21376   4-24-84  12:00p
BASCOM   LIB     75776   4-24-84  12:00p
BASRUN   LIB      3072   3-17-83   1:12p
SAMPLE   MOD     94128   3-22-85   1:00a
DEMO     BAS       299   3-17-83   2:09p
BB       TXT       732   3-22-85   1:00a
SAMPLE   COM     35632   3-22-85   1:00a
B        DEF     26746   3-22-85   1:00a
B        CNF        35   3-22-85   1:00a
SAMPLE   1        2913   3-22-85   1:00a
SAMPLE   2        9310   3-22-85   1:00a
SAMPLE   3        8661   3-22-85   1:00a
SAMPLE   4        3497   3-22-85   1:00a
SAMPLE   5        3771   3-22-85   1:00a
SAMPLE   6        1682   3-22-85   1:00a
SAMPLE   7        1335   3-22-85   1:00a
SAMPLE   8         587   3-22-85   1:00a
SAMPLE   9        2925   3-22-85   1:00a
FOO                591   1-01-80  12:23a
       20 file(s)     333004 bytes
                       21504 bytes free