Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.
The only version of the Microsoft BASIC Compiler we have added to the project so far is v5.36, a 1984 release from our private disk collection. It is not an original distribution disk, and it contains a number of unrelated files, including sample files from a demo version of BetterBASIC, a competing product from Summit Software Technology, Inc.
See the IBM BASIC Compiler, which was also produced by Microsoft.
[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]
Waiting for machine "ibm5160" to load....
Volume in drive A has no label
Directory of A:\
BASCOM COM 39936 4-24-84 12:00p
BASRUN EXE 21376 4-24-84 12:00p
BASCOM LIB 75776 4-24-84 12:00p
BASRUN LIB 3072 3-17-83 1:12p
SAMPLE MOD 94128 3-22-85 1:00a
DEMO BAS 299 3-17-83 2:09p
BB TXT 732 3-22-85 1:00a
SAMPLE COM 35632 3-22-85 1:00a
B DEF 26746 3-22-85 1:00a
B CNF 35 3-22-85 1:00a
SAMPLE 1 2913 3-22-85 1:00a
SAMPLE 2 9310 3-22-85 1:00a
SAMPLE 3 8661 3-22-85 1:00a
SAMPLE 4 3497 3-22-85 1:00a
SAMPLE 5 3771 3-22-85 1:00a
SAMPLE 6 1682 3-22-85 1:00a
SAMPLE 7 1335 3-22-85 1:00a
SAMPLE 8 587 3-22-85 1:00a
SAMPLE 9 2925 3-22-85 1:00a
FOO 591 1-01-80 12:23a
20 file(s) 333004 bytes
21504 bytes free