Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.
NOTE: The machine below is an IBM PC AT (8Mhz), which can only run Windows 3.00 in Standard Mode. There is also an Enhanced Mode configuration that uses a Compaq Deskpro 386 (16Mhz).
[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]
Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....
This document covers the following topics:
* A guide to sources of information that complement the
Windows 3.1 Software Development Kit (SDK) manuals.
* Instructions for setting your PATH, INCLUDE, and LIB
environment variables, and other instructions for
configuring your Windows development environment. (The SDK
Install program appends this information to this
The following list describes online documents that contain
important information about the Windows 3.1 SDK that is not
included in the on-line Windows Help or QuickHelp documentation.
Document Contents
README.WRI Additional information about the Windows
3.1 SDK. This file is in Microsoft Write
WINDOWS.TXT Information about changes to WINDOWS.H,
including STRICT.
ROBUST.TXT Information on how to build robust applications.
WINDOWSX.TXT Information on using the message crackers and
control functions in WINDOWSX.H.
Additional information is available on the following topics:
* Microsoft C Runtime Libraries
* Message Crackers and Control APIs
* Audio Documentation and Software
* New Directories
* Dialog Editor (DLGEDIT.EXE)
* Windows clipboard formats
* DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI) Specification
These sources are described in this section.
Microsoft C Runtime Libraries
C runtime libraries for Windows are no longer included with the SDK.
These files are now included with the C product you use for
Windows Development.
Message Crackers and Control APIs
The Message Crackers and Control APIs were moved from WINDOWS.H
to WINDOWSX.H. Most known bugs and problems reported from
pre-release 2 are fixed in this release of WINDOWSX.H. You can
build generic Windows applications that use Message Crackers and
Control APIs and which are STRICT compliant by using WINDOWSX.H
with the generic sample MAKEAPP located in the SAMPLES
Audio Documentation and Software
This release also includes MMSYSTEM.H and on-line documentation
on how to use the new audio services in Windows 3.1. The on-line
documentation is located in WIN31MWH.HLP, MMPWKBK.HLP,
(QuickHelp format).
New Directories
BIN contains the files previously installed in the
root WINDEV directory
GUIDE contains the Guide to Programming Samples
SAMPLES contains the new sample source code applications
REDIST contains the redistributable file for the SDK
HELP contains the SDK Quickhelp files
Windows Clipboard Formats
Specifications for various clipboard formats supported by
Microsoft and other vendors' applications are available from
sources described below.
* Rich Text Format (RTF) -- similar to the standard text
format, except that formatting attributes such as font,
style, and size are embedded. The RTF specification is
included in the "Microsoft Word Technical Reference for
Windows and OS/2 Presentation Manager,", which may be
ordered through bookstores or directly from Microsoft
Press at (800)888-3303.
* Binary Interchange File Format (BIFF) -- the native
Microsoft Excel format. The BIFF specification is
available from Microsoft Excel Telephone Sales at
(800)227-6444; ask for department "ET".
* Tag Image File Format (TIFF) -- a format that assists in
incorporating line art, photographs, and other raster
images into documents via desktop publishing application
programs. The TIFF specification is available from Aldus
Corporation at (206)628-2320; select the Production
Information phone extension. It is also available in the
CompuServe "Aldus" Forum, Library 10.
* Data Interchange Format (DIF), WKS, and WK1 -- formats
maintained by Lotus Development Corporation,
DOS Protected Mode Interface (DPMI) Specification
This specification defines how DOS programs can access the
extended memory of PC architecture computers while
maintaining system protection. Windows provides
applications access to extended memory through Windows'
implementation of DPMI. Most Windows applications do not
need to directly use DPMI services, since these services are
provided by the Windows application programming interface
(API). Special Windows applications and device drivers may
need to access DMPI services directly.
The DPMI specification is available from Intel Corporation
at (800)548-4725. (Request part number JP-26.) This DPMI
specification should be read in conjunction with the
"Windows Support for DPMI" note included in the Windows
Developer's Notes, described above.
Setting Your PATH, INCLUDE, and LIB Environment Variables
Based on the directories that you specified during the SDK
installation procedure, you should add the following
directories in your environment variables:
Insert C:\WINDEV\INCLUDE as the first path in the INCLUDE variable.
Insert C:\WINDEV\LIB as the first path in the LIB variable.
Insert C:\WINDEV\BIN in the PATH variable.
Insert C:\WINDEV\HELP in the HELPFILES variable.
Additional Notes About the Microsoft Windows 3.1 Software Development Kit
This online document contains information about the Microsoft Windows
operating system, version 3.1, that is not available in the other
documentation for the Microsoft Windows 3.1 Software Development Kit (SDK).
Using Windows Write to View This Document
If you enlarge the Write window to its maximum size, this document will
be easier to read. To do so, click the Maximize button in the upper-right
corner of the window or open the System menu in the upper-left corner of
the Write window (press ALT+SPACEBAR) and then choose the Maximize command.
(The System menu is sometimes referred to as the Control menu.)
To move through the document, use the PAGE UP and PAGE DOWN keys or click
the arrows at the top and bottom of the scroll bar along the right side of
the Write window.
To print the document, choose the Print command from the File menu.
For Help on using Write, press F1.
To read other online documents, choose the Open command from the File menu
and then select a file.
This document contains the following topics:
1.0 General Release Notes
1.1 Network Installation
1.2 Sample Source Code
1.3 Microsoft C 6.00 Run-time Libraries for Windows
1.4 Redistributable Components
1.5 Multimedia Components Added to the Windows 3.1 SDK
2.0 International Notes
2.1 International Common Dialog Boxes
2.2 Translation Tables
3.0 Release Notes Specific to the Final SDK
3.1 CodeView for Windows (CVW)
3.1.1 CVW Single-Screen Debugging
3.1.2 Using CVW 3.07 with .OBJ Files Linked with C 7.00
3.1.3 Using the Windows 3.1 Debugging Version with CVW 4.00
3.1.4 Comparing CVW 4.00 with CVW 3.07
3.1.5 Using CVW with Borland C++ Applications
3.2 COMPAQ Computers
3.3 80386 Debugger and Dr. Watson
3.4 Profiler
3.5 The GetVersion Function
3.6 Using the Windows 3.1 SDK to Develop Windows 3.0 Applications
3.7 Using a Serial Device on COM1 with the Debugging Version of Windows
3.8 DDESpy
3.9 Dialog Editor
4.0 Other Documents
1.0 General Release Notes
The Windows 3.1 SDK provides information about developing Windows applications
but does not provide much information about environment-specific development
tools. This information is provided instead by such other Windows development
environments as Microsoft C 7.00, Microsoft QuickC for Windows, or other
independent software vendor (ISV) development kits.
1.1 Network Installation
The SDK does not support installation from a network drive to a local Windows
installation nor does it support installation from disks to a network
installation of Windows 3.1. (The Windows 3.0 SDK also did not support this.)
1.2 Sample Source Code
The SDK contains sample code that demonstrates new features in Windows or
clarifies existing features. These samples can be found in the \SAMPLES
subdirectory when you install the SDK.
Note: The sample code for the Microsoft Windows Guide to Programming is
installed in the \GUIDE subdirectory. You can choose whether to install these
samples when installing the SDK.
1.3 Microsoft C 6.00 Run-time Libraries for Windows
The SDK installation program no longer installs the C 6.00 run-time libraries
for Windows. The C 6.00 run-time libraries are now distributed on a separate
disk with their own simple installation batch file (the alternate-math
libraries are no longer included). The C run-time libraries for Windows were
removed because most ISV Windows development environments include their own
Windows C run-time libraries. Microsoft C 7.00 and Microsoft QuickC for Windows
also contain C run-time libraries for Windows. If you already have C run-time
libraries for Windows, it is not necessary for you to install these libraries.
For the most part, only Microsoft C 6.00 users need to install these libraries.
1.4 Redistributable Components
Many new Windows features are included in dynamic-link libraries (DLLs) and can
be used in Windows 3.0 and Windows 3.1. If you use the new features in your
Windows 3.0 applications, you will need to redistribute the Windows DLLs and
related files that support these features. For a list of the redistributable
libraries and files, see the separate SDK license agreement.
Some DLLs and device drivers are not redistributable. In particular, the
Multimedia System library (MMSYSTEM.DLL) is not redistributable.
1.5 Multimedia Components Added to the Windows 3.1 SDK
The Windows 3.1 SDK contains Multimedia development tools that make it possible
for you to take advantage of the Multimedia capabilities in the retail version
of Windows 3.1.
File Description
MMSYSTEM.DLL, .H and .LIB Multimedia System library
MCICDA.DRV Media Control Interface (MCI) CD-ROM driver
MCIPIONR.DRV MCI Pioneer Laserdisc driver
WIN31MWH.HLP Online Multimedia Windows Reference
MCISTRWH.HLP MCI Strings interface reference
MMPWKBK.HLP Microsoft Windows Multimedia Programmer's Reference
MARKMIDI.EXE Tool that marks MIDI files as Multimedia Windows
MIDI files
LOWPASS, MCITEST, Sample source code
2.0 International Notes
This section describes enhancements to the SDK that will help you localize
your application.
2.1 International Common Dialog Boxes
The SDK contains localized versions of the common dialog box library,
COMMDLG.DLL, in ten languages, as shown in the following table. You can
redistribute these files with your localized applications.
Language Library name
Portuguese COMMDLG.POR
To use one of these files, rename it to COMMDLG.DLL.
2.2 Translation Tables
Translation tables are used by the AnsiToOem and OemToAnsi functions for all
character-set conversions. These tables and the default keyboard driver table
have undergone extensive modifications for the SDK; the default keyboard driver
table is the table for code page 437 (United States). The names of the
translation tables are in the form XLAT###.BIN, in which ### stands for 850,
860, 861, 863, or 865.
It is very important that you verify your application's filename conversions
between Microsoft MS-DOS and Windows.
3.0 Release Notes Specific to the Final SDK
This section outlines information that is specific to the final release of the
Windows 3.1 SDK.
3.1 CodeView for Windows (CVW)
The executable file for the version of Microsoft CodeView for Windows that is
distributed with the SDK has been renamed from CVW.EXE to CVW3.EXE. This
distinguishes it from CVW4.EXE, which is distributed with Microsoft C 7.00.
3.1.1 CVW Single-Screen Debugging
If you experience problems with CVW and single-screen debugging, please use a
secondary monochrome monitor as your debugging terminal. Debugging with two
screens is much faster than single-screen debugging because CVW does not have
to switch between character mode and graphics mode.
CVW is known to have problems with single-screen debugging mode on the
following video adapters:
Cirrus Logic 6410
Olivetti OVGA
Orchid Pro Designer
Paradise VGA
Sigma Legend
Speedstar VGA
Trident 8900
Vega Video 7 VGA
3.1.2 Using CVW 3.07 with .OBJ Files Linked with C 7.00
CVW 3.07 will cause a GP fault when you try to load a Windows application
that was linked with .OBJ files from either C 6.00 or C 7.00. You can use
files linked with C 6.00 by packing them, using the C 7.00 CVPACK utility.
3.1.3 Using the Windows 3.1 Debugging Version with CVW 4.00
An error in the following form will occur when you use the Windows 3.1
debugging version files (KERNEL, GDI, and USER) with CVW 4.00:
Warning: relink 'C:\WIN31\SYSTEM\USER.EXE' with the current linker.
To prevent this problem, run the C 7.00 CVPACK utility on KERNEL, GDI, and USER.
Users of CVW 3.07 who also use the DBWIN debugging application should turn off
warning messages before running CVW. CVW 3.07 cannot process warning output
3.1.4 Comparing CVW 4.00 with CVW 3.07
If you have C 7.00 (which includes CVW 4.00), the only reason to use CVW 3.07
(which is included in the Windows 3.1 SDK) is to debug Basic or FORTRAN code
in the Windows environment. CVW4 does not currently possess an expression
evaluator for either of these languages. CVW3 supports development in Basic
and FORTRAN with the use command in the Command window. (No recent version of
CVW has supported Pascal.)
3.1.5 Using CVW with Borland C++ applications
Neither CVW3 nor CVW4 can load Borland C++ applications.
3.2 COMPAQ Computers
Compaq Computer Corporation ships HIMEM.EXE and CEMM.EXE with their release of
MS-DOS version 5.0 instead of HIMEM.SYS and EMM386.EXE.
3.3 80386 Debugger and Dr. Watson
If you run Microsoft 80386 Debugger (WDEB386.EXE) and Microsoft Dr. Watson
(DRWATSON.EXE) in standard mode and press CTRL+ALT+SYS RQ, you will encounter
a breakpoint that has been set by the Tool Helper library. Choosing Go at this
point will cause a GP fault. To avoid this, either use the GZ command at the
first int 3 instruction, or use CTRL+C instead of CTRL+ALT+SYS RQ.
3.4 Profiler
Microsoft Windows Profiler analyzes applications running with Windows in 386
enhanced mode. You cannot call the ProfSetup function once you have called the
ProfStart function. Even if you call ProfStop, you cannot call ProfSetup. This
is because ProfStart allocates the block of memory for the data, and if that
block has been allocated the setup code exits during the setup call. The only
way to release this memory and be able to resize it is to call the ProfFinish
3.5 The GetVersion Function
The GetVersion function returns the Windows version in the low-order word of
the return value. The minor version is in the high-order byte and the major
version is in the low-order byte. For more information, see the reference
material for this function in the Microsoft Windows Programmer's Reference,
Volume 2.
3.6 Using the Windows 3.1 SDK to Develop Windows 3.0 Applications
The SDK allows you to create applications for either Windows 3.0 or 3.1.
If you write your application carefully, you can create a single application
that is compatible with Windows 3.0 but also takes advantage of newer features
when the application is run with Windows 3.1. For a comprehensive discussion
of this topic, see Chapter 3, "Creating Windows Applications," in Microsoft
Windows Getting Started.
3.7 Using a Serial Device on COM1 with the Debugging Version of Windows
The debugging version of Windows writes information to the COM1 port as the
default destination. If you want to use a serial device on COM1, you must
redirect the debugging output to a file by adding a line of the following
form to the [debug] section of the \SYSTEM.INI file:
You can replace C:\ABC.TXT with any valid filename or device (COM2, NUL, or
LPT1) to which output is redirected. Using NUL prevents the debugging version
from writing any debugging information to COM1. If you use NUL, you can use
DBWIN to view debugging information.
3.8 DDESpy
If you use Microsoft DDESpy (DDESPY.EXE) with the debugging version of Windows
and the application you are investigating sends a WM_DDE_UNADVISE message with
the aItem atom set to NULL, DDESpy will cause a GP fault.
3.9 Dialog Editor
You should not use Microsoft Dialog Editor (DLGEDIT.EXE) with a 256-color
video driver from Windows version 3.0. Instead, you should use a 256-color
video driver from Windows 3.1 or a 16-color driver. If you must use a
256-color driver from Windows 3.0, you can prevent problems with Dialog
Editor by turning off the Grid option in the Arrange Settings dialog box.
4.0 Other Documents
The following list describes other online documents that contain important
information about the Windows 3.1 SDK that is not included in the online
Microsoft Windows Help or Microsoft QuickHelp documentation.
Document Contents
WINDOWS.TXT Information about changes to WINDOWS.H, including STRICT
ROBUST.TXT Information about how to build robust applications.
WINDOWSX.TXT Information about using the message crackers and control
functions in WINDOWSX.H.
README.SDK Other sources of information that complement the Windows
SDK, and instructions for setting your PATH, INCLUDE, and
LIB environment variables.
SDK windows.h Enhancements
The 3.1 windows.h header file contains various features that make application
development faster and easier by helping you find problems as you compile your
code. These improvements include:
* STRICT option provides stricter type checking, helping you find type
mismatch errors quickly.
* windows.h has been completely reorganized so that related functions,
types, structures, and constants are grouped together.
* New UINT type used for 32-bit Windows upward compatibility
* New unique typedefs for all handle types, such as HINSTANCE and HMODULE.
* Various constants and typedefs missing in the 3.0 windows.h have been
* Windows 3.0 compatibility: the 3.1 windows.h can be used to compile
applications that run under 3.0.
* Proper use of "const" for API pointer parameters and structure fields
where pointer is read-only.
* C++ compatibility: windows.h can now be included without
modification for use with the C++ language.
* -W4 and ANSI compatibility: windows.h can be used with the highest
degree of compiler warning (-W3 or -W4) without generating warnings.
windows.h is ANSI compatible.
Catching Compile-Time Errors: The windows.h STRICT option
The new windows.h supports an option that allows you to enable the strictest
possible compiler error checking in order to help you find programming errors
when you compile your app, rather than at runtime.
The idea is that you #define STRICT before #including windows.h, which causes
the various types and function prototypes in windows.h to be declared in a
way that enforces very strict type checking. For example, without STRICT, it
is possible to pass an HWND to a function that requires an HDC without any
kind of compiler warning: with STRICT #defined, this results in a compiler
Specific features provided by the STRICT option include:
* Strict handle type checking (you can't pass an HWND where an HDC is
* Correct and more consistent declaration of certain parameter and return
value types (e.g., GlobalLock returns void FAR* instead of LPSTR).
* Fully prototyped typedefs for all callback function types
(e.g., dialog procs, hook procs, and window procs)
* Windows 3.0 backward compatible: STRICT can be used with the 3.1
windows.h for creating applications that will run under Windows 3.0.
* The COMM DCB and COMSTAT structures are now declared in an ANSI
compatible way.
Why use STRICT?
The best way to think of STRICT is as a way for you to get the most out of
the error checking capabilities build into today's modern C and C++
compilers. STRICT is of great benefit especially with code under development,
because it helps you catch bugs right away when you compile your code, rather
than having to track it down with a debugger. By catching certain kinds of
bugs right away, it's less likely that you'll ship your applications with
bugs that weren't encountered in testing.
STRICT also makes it easier to migrate your code to the 32-bit Windows
platform later, because it will help you locate and deal with type
incompatibilities that will arise when migrating to 32 bits.
It's not very difficult to convert your application to use STRICT, and it can
be done in stages if needed.
In order to take advantage of the STRICT option, you will probably have to
make some simple changes to your source code (described in detail later).
We think you'll find that STRICT makes modifying, maintaining, and even
reading your code much easier, and well worth the effort to convert your
Unless you #define STRICT, your 3.0 applications will compile just fine with
windows.h without any modifications. The type declarations for many of the
Windows APIs and callback functions have changed, but unless you #define
STRICT the new declarations are 100% compatible with the old declarations.
Windows.h Enhancement details
New typedefs, constants, and helper macros
The following new typedefs and constants have been added to windows.h.
All are 3.0 backward compatible:
WINAPI - Used in place of FAR PASCAL in API declarations. If you
are writing a DLL with exported API entry points, you
can use this for your own APIs.
CALLBACK - Used in place of FAR PASCAL in application callback
routines such as window procs and dialog procs
LPCSTR - Same as LPSTR, except used for read-only string pointers.
Typedefed as const char FAR*.
UINT - Portable unsigned integer type whose size is determined
by host environment (16 bits for Win 3.1). Synonym for
"unsigned int". Used in place of WORD except in the rare
cases where a 16-bit unsigned quantity is desired even on
32-bit platforms.
LRESULT - Type used for declaration of all 32-bit polymorphic
return values.
LPARAM - Type used for declaration of all 32-bit polymorphic
WPARAM - Type used for declaration of all 16-bit polymorphic
MAKELPARAM(low, high) - Macro used for combining two 16-bit quantities
into an LPARAM.
MAKELRESULT(low, high) - Macro used for combining two 16-bit quantities
into an LRESULT.
MAKELP(sel, off) - Macro used for combining a selector and an offset
into a FAR VOID* pointer.
SELECTOROF(lp) - Macro used to extract the selector part of a far ptr.
Returns a UINT.
OFFSETOF(lp) - Macro used to extract the offset part of a far ptr.
Returns a UINT.
FIELDOFFSET(type, field) - Macro used for calculating the offset of
a field in a data structure. The type parameter
is the type of structure, and field is the name
of the field whose offset is desired.
New handle types:
HINSTANCE - Instance handle type
HMODULE - Module handle type
HLOCAL - Local handle type
HGLOBAL - Global handle type
HTASK - Task handle type
HFILE - File handle type
HRSRC - Resource handle type
HGDIOBJ - Generic GDI object handle type (except HMETAFILE)
HMETAFILE - Metafile handle type
HDWP - DeferWindowPos() handle
HACCEL - Accelerator table handle
HDRVR - Driver handle (3.1 only)
COMSTAT structure change
The 3.0 declaration of the COMSTAT structure was not ANSI compatible: ANSI
does not allow the use of BYTE-sized bitfield declarations. In order to
allow windows.h to be used with ANSI compilers or with -W4, the COMSTAT
structure has changed. The 7 bit fields below are now accessed as byte flags
of the single status field:
old field name Bit of status field
No change is not required if you are compiling with WINVER 0x0300 and are not
using STRICT.
If you have code that accesses any of these fields, here's how you have
to change your code:
Old code: New code:
if (comstat.fEof || ...) if ((comstat.status & CSTF_EOF) || ...)
comstat.fCtsHold = TRUE; comstat.status |= CSTF_CTSHOLD;
comstat.fTxim = FALSE; comstat.status ~= CSTF_TXIM;
Be careful to properly parenthesize "&" expressions.
See windows.h for more details.
Making Your Application STRICT Compliant
Using STRICT with your existing Windows application code is not very
difficult. Here's what you need to do:
* Decide what you want be STRICT compliant.
The first step is to decide what you want to be STRICT compliant.
STRICT is most valuable with newly developed code or code is being maintained
or changed regularly. If you have a lot of stable code that has already been
written and tested, and is not changed or maintained very often, you may
decide that it's not worth the trouble to convert to STRICT.
If you are writing a C++ application, you don't have the option of applying
STRICT to only some of your source files. Because of the way C++ "type safe
linking" works, you may get linking errors if you mix and match STRICT and
non-STRICT source files in your application.
* Enable strict compiler error checking
First, turn on your compiler's highest level of error checking. Do this
without turning on STRICT for now.
The best level of compiler error checking for Microsoft compilers is warning
level 3, or -W3. It's also very useful to specify the -WX flag, which causes
the compiler to treat any warning as an error that fails the compilation.
This can be very helpful, because there are a number of compiler warnings
that are almost always fatal Windows programming errors, such as passing an
incorrect number of arguments to a function.
* Change your code to use new STRICT types
First you need to go through your own source and header files and change type
declarations to use the new types defined in windows.h. Below are the common
types that should be changed:
WORD -> UINT (EXCEPT where you really want a 16-bit value even
on a 32-bit platform)
LONG -> LPARAM or LRESULT as appropriate
FARPROC -> WNDPROC, DLGPROC, HOOKPROC, etc. as appropriate
(MakeProcInstance and FreeProcInstance calls require casting)
See "Strict Conversion Notes" below for particular things to watch out for
when changing your code.
The UINT type is important for 32-bit Windows migration. On 16-bit windows,
WORD and UINT are identical: 16 bit unsigned quantities. On a 32-bit
platform, a UINT will be 32 bits and WORD is 16 bits. This allows much more
efficient code to be generated on the 32-bit platform where UINTs are used.
You should use WORD in your code ONLY in those places where you want a 16 bit
value, even on a 32-bit platform.
You may also want to use CALLBACK instead of FAR PASCAL in the declaration of
your various callback functions, though this isn't necessary.
You may be able to save yourself some work by not converting the body of your
window and dialog procs to use WPARAM, LPARAM, and LRESULT right away, since
those types are compatible with WORD and LONG, even in STRICT.
* Make sure your functions are declared before use
In order to compile with -W3, all of your application functions must be
properly declared before they are used. It's best to have all your
declarations in an include file, rather than declaring them in your source
files as needed: it's much easier to maintain your code this way should you
need to change any of the declarations in the future. Chances are you will
need to be making changes to the function declarations as you change over to
the new STRICT data types.
You can use the compiler -Zg option to create header files with proper type
declarations for all the functions declared within it. If you DO want to use
this option, it's important that you #define STRICT BEFORE you do so. This is
because the parameter and return type declarations generated by -Zg aren't
the same as you'd use if you did it by hand: by hand: for example, LPSTR is
generated as "char _far *". Without STRICT defined, the types generated by
HWND, HDC, and other handle types will all be the same: "unsigned short".
With STRICT, you'll get something like "HWND__ _near *", which you can
globally search-and-replace to the correct type. You don't HAVE to edit
your -Zg output in order to proceed with your STRICT conversion, but it will
make your header files easier to read and more useful later.
While it's not strictly necessary to do so, it's a good idea to provide
function parameter names in your function prototypes. This makes header
files much easier to read, and provides a degree of self-documentation.
* Recompile without STRICT and fix resulting warnings
Without #defining STRICT anywhere, recompile your application and fix any
warnings that result. At this point, it's super handy if your editor has the
capability of automatically positioning the cursor on the next compiler
error, so you can quickly move from warning to warning and fix them. Almost
all programming editors have this capability: if you haven't used this
feature before, now is a great time to learn about this. Check your editor's
manual for more information.
Some common compiler warnings -- and how you should deal with them -- are
described later in this section. Use the rules found there to make the
appropriate changes to your source.
* Run the app to make sure all is well.
After you've gotten your application to compile cleanly with -W3, it's a good
idea to run your app and put it through it's paces to make sure all is well.
* #define STRICT
After you've made a first pass and gotten things to compile cleanly without
STRICT, it's time to turn it on and make the next round of changes.
If you've decided that you want to make your entire app STRICT, then the best
and easiest thing to do is #define STRICT in your makefile, by passing the
-DSTRICT flag to the compiler. If you want to do it on a per-sourcefile
basis, then simply #define STRICT in the source file before you #include
* Recompile and clean up resulting errors
Once you've made the changes to your window and dialog procs as outlines
above, you're ready to recompile everything.
After turning on STRICT you'll probably get new errors and warnings that
you'll need to go through and clean up.
The list of warnings and errors below will explain how to deal with most of
the problems that arise.
STRICT conversion notes
1. Always declare function pointers with the proper function type, rather
than FARPROC. You'll need to cast function pointers to and from the
proper function type when using MakeProcInstance, FreeProcInstance,
and other functions that take or return a FARPROC:
BOOL CALLBACK DlgProc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam);
DLGPROC lpfnDlg;
lpfnDlg = (DLGPROC)MakeProcInstance(DlgProc, hinst);
2. Take special care with HMODULEs and HINSTANCEs. For the most part,
the Kernel module management functions use HINSTANCEs, but there are a
few APIs that return or accept only HMODULEs.
3. If you've copied any API function declarations from windows.h, they
may have changed, and your local declaration may be out of date.
Remove your local declaration.
4. Properly cast the results of LocalLock() and GlobalLock() to the
proper kind of data pointer. Parameters to these and other memory
management functions chould be cast to LHANDLE or GHANDLE, as
5. Properly cast the result of GetWindowWord() and GetWindowLong()
and the parameters to SetWindowWord() and SetWindowLong().
6. When casting SendMessage(), DefWindowProc(), and SendDlgItemMsg() or
any other function that returns an LRESULT or LONG to a handle of
some kind, you must first cast the result to a UINT:
hbr = (HBRUSH)(UINT)SendMessage(hwnd, WM_CTLCOLOR, ..., ...);
7. The CreateWindow and CreateWindowEx hmenu parameter is sometimes
used to pass an integer control ID. In this case you must cast
this to an hmenu:
HWND hwnd;
int id;
hwnd = CreateWindow("Button", "Ok", BS_PUSHBUTTON,
x, y, cx, cy, hwndParent,
(HMENU)id, // Cast required here
8. Polymorphic data types (WPARAM, LPARAM, LRESULT, void FAR*) should
be assigned to variables of a known type as soon as possible. You
should avoid using them in your own code when the type of the value is
known. This will minimize the number of potentially unsafe and
non-32-bit-portable casting you will have to do in your code. The
macro APIs and message cracker mechanisms provided in windowsx.h will
take care of almost all packing and unpacking of these data types, in
a 32-bit portable way.
9. Become familiar with the common compiler warnings and errors that
you're likely to encounter as you convert to STRICT.
Common Compiler Warnings and Errors
Here are some common compiler warnings and errors you might get when trying
to make your application compile cleanly under warning level 3 or 4, with or
without STRICT. The error messages shown are for Microsoft C 6.0.
These are also the kinds of warnings and errors you'll recieve as you maintain
STRICT source code.
foo.c(24) : warning C4021: 'bar' : too few actual parameters
This warning simply means that you're not passing enough parameters to a
function. THIS IS ALWAYS A SERIOUS BUG in windows application
programming even though the compiler treats it as a warning!
foo.c(28) : warning C4035: 'foo' : no return value
This warning means that a function declared to return a value does not
return a value. In older, non-ANSI C code, it was common to declare
functions that did not return a value with no return type:
int i;
Functions declared in this manner are treated by the C compiler as being
declared to return an "int". If the function does not return anything,
it should be declared "void":
void foo(int i)
foo.c(19) : warning C4047: no function prototype given
This means that a function was used before it was fully prototyped, or
declared. It can also arise when a function that takes no arguments
is not prototyped with void:
void bar(); /* Should be: bar(void) */
foo.c(182) : warning C4047: '=' : different levels of indirection
foo.c(249) : warning C4047: 'argument' : different levels of indirection
These warnings indicate that you are trying to assign or pass a
non-pointer type when a pointer type is required. With STRICT defined,
all handle types as well as LRESULT, WPARAM, and LPARAM are internally
declared as pointer types, so trying to pass an int, WORD, or LONG as a
handle will result in this warning.
These warnings should be fixed by properly declaring the non-pointer
values you're assigning or passing. In the case of special constants
such as (HWND)1 to indicate "insert at bottom" to the window positioning
functions, you should use the new #definition such as HWND_BOTTOM.
Only in rare cases should you suppress a "different levels of
indirection" warning with a cast: this can often generate incorrect code.
foo.c(335) : warning C4049: 'argument' : indirection to different types
These warnings indicate that you are passing or assigning a pointer of
the wrong type. This is the warning you get if you pass the wrong type
of handle to a function. This is because under STRICT all handle types
are defined as pointers to unique structures.
To suppress these warnings, fix the type mismatch error in your code.
Once again, it's dangerous to suppress these warnings with a cast, since
there may be an underlying type error in your app.
foo.c(345) : warning C4024: 'SendMessage' : different types : parameter 3
These warnings usually occur with an "indirection to different types" or
"different levels of indirection" warning to indicate which function parameter
is incorrect. Fixing the type warning will fix this warning as well.
foo.c(15) : error C2086: 'lParam' : redefinition
This error will result if you have inconsistent declarations of
a variable, parameter, or function in your source code.
foo.c(352) : warning C4028: parameter 4 declaration different
foo.c(352) : warning C4113: function parameter lists differed
These warnings occur when a function definition doesn't match its
declaration. Usually this means that you need to edit a window or dialog
proc, or a callback function.
These warnings can also result when you're passing a function to a
function, and your function is improperly prototyped. This can occur
with MakeProcInstance and FreeProcInstance, in which case you must do the
proper casting to and from FARPROC.
foo.c(191) : warning C4135: conversion between different integral types
This warning results when a value is converted by the compiler into a
smaller value type, such as from LONG to int, or int to char. You're
being warned because you may lose information from this cast: for
example, if you cast the int value 256 to a char, the resulting value is
0, because only the lower 8 bits of the value are preserved.
If you're sure there are no information-loss problems, you can suppress
this warning with the appropriate explicit cast to the smaller type.
char* pch;
int i;
i = (int)*pch;
foo.c(64) : warning C4069: conversion of near pointer to long integer
This error results when you cast a near pointer or a handle to a
32-bit value such as LRESULT, LPARAM, LONG or DWORD. This warning
almost always represents a bug, because the hi-order 16 bits of the
value will contain a non-zero value. The C compiler first converts
the 16-bit near pointer to a 32-bit far pointer by placing the current
data segment value in the high 16 bits, then converts this far pointer
to the 32-bit value.
To avoid this warning and ensure that a 0 is placed in the hi 16 bits,
you must first cast the handle to a UINT:
HWND hwnd;
LRESULT result = (LRESULT)(UINT)hwnd;
In cases where you DO want the 32-bit value to contain a far pointer,
you can avoid the warning with an explicit cast to a far pointer:
char near* pch;
foo.c(32) : warning C4305: truncation during conversion of integral type
to pointer
This error occurs when you cast a 32-bit value such as an LPARAM or
LRESULT to a 16-bit pointer. Under STRICT, handles are declared as
16-bit pointers, so you'll get this error, for example, when you cast the
result of a SendMessage() to a window handle.
To avoid this warning, you must first cast the 32-bit value to a UINT
before casting to the 16-bit pointer or handle:
HBRUSH hbr = (HBRUSH)(UINT)SendMessage(hwnd, WM_CTLCOLOR, ..., ...);
foo.c(31) : warning C4059: segment lost in conversion
This warning results when you cast a far pointer directly into a 16-bit
quantity such as a near pointer, handle, WORD, UINT, or BOOL.
The compiler is warning you that the segment part of the address is being
lost in the conversion to a near pointer. To suppress these warnings
(after you've determined that you really want to perform the cast), cast
the far pointer to a DWORD before casting before casting to the 16-bit
type. For example:
void FAR* lp;
f = (BOOL)(DWORD)lp;
h = (HANDLE)(DWORD)lp;
foo.c(190) : warning C4018: '<' : signed/unsigned mismatch
Signed/unsigned mismatch errors occur when you mix signed and unsigned
values in an expression. Often this means that a parameter, variable or
field is incorrectly declared. To fix these problems, you first have to
determine which is the correct type that should be used in the
expression. Then, change the declaration of the offending expression term.
Don't use casts (unless you have to) to suppress these warnings, because
that will often hide an underlying problem. It's very important that you
correctly determine the correct type for an expression, because it can
lead to very subtle bugs like the following:
int i;
if ((WORD)i) < 0)
// This code optimized out by compiler
// (since no unsigned value can be less than 0)
i = 0;
foo.c(25) : error C2147: unknown size
This error results from trying to change the value of a void pointer
with + or +=. These typically result from the fact that certain Windows
functions that return pointers to arbitrary types (such as GlobalLock()
and LocalLock()) are defined to return void FAR* rather than LPSTR.
To solve these problems, you should assign the void* value to a properly-
declared variable (with the appropriate cast):
BYTE FAR* lpb = (BYTE FAR*)GlobalLock(h);
lpb += sizeof(DWORD);
foo.c(27) : error C2100: illegal indirection
This error typically results from trying to dereference a void pointer.
This usually results from directly using the return value of GlobalLock()
or LocalLock() as a pointer. To solve this problem, assign the return
value to a variable of the appropriate type (with the appropriate cast)
before using the pointer:
BYTE FAR* lpb = (BYTE FAR*)GlobalLock(h);
*lpb = 0;
foo.c(231) : warning c4054 : function pointer cast to a data pointer
This warning results when casting a function pointer into a data pointer
of some kind. If you're sure this is really what you want to do, the
solution is to first cast the function pointer to a DWORD, then to
the data pointer:
WNDPROC lpfnWndProc;
LPSTR lpch;
lpch = (LPSTR)(DWORD)lpfnWndProc;
foo.c(200) : warning c4100 : 'lParam' : unreferenced formal parameter
This message can result in callback functions when your code does not use
certain parameters. The following construct in your code will suppress
this warning without generating any code:
void Foo(UINT param1)
For improved readability, you can also #define a macro: #define
UNUSED(p) (void)(p), and use it as follows:
void Foo(UINT param1)
foo.c(46) : warning C4204: 'AsmFunc' : in-line assembler precludes global optimizations
This warning results if you're using any of the global optimization
flags: -Ogle. To suppress this warning you must temporarily turn off the
global optimizations, and do register allocation and loop optimizations
by hand. It's usually best to split the assembly code out into a separate
function so that the rest of your C code can benefit from the global
#pragma optimize("gle", off)
void AsmFunc(void)
#pragma optimize("", on) // Use default optimizations
foo.c(934) : warning C4203: 'BigFunc' : function too large for global optimizations
This warning results with really big functions when you use any of the
global optimizations flags -Ogle. You have two options: either break the
function up into smaller pieces, or turn off the global optimizations in
the function and do register allocation and loop optimizations by hand:
#pragma optimize("gle", off)
void BigFunc(void)
#pragma optimize("", on) // Use default optimizations
It's best to break the function up, if you can, since that will allow the
compiler to optimize your code as much as possible.
foo.c(193) : warning C4090: different 'const/volatile' qualifiers
This message results if you are passing a const pointer to a function
expecting a non-const pointer, or if you are assigning a const pointer to
a non-const pointer. The MAKEINTRESOURCE and MAKEINTATOM macros are now
declared to return a const pointer. Errors can result if you assign
either of these macros to a LPSTR. To fix this kind of problem with
these macros, reedeclare the assigned variable as an LPCSTR.
Volume in drive A is win31SDKD1
Directory of A:\
ANALYSIS <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CONVERT <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
NODEBUG <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
REDISTRB <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
RESTOOLS <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SAMPLES <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
WINSTUB <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
INSTALL EXE 94075 3-23-92 3:10a
INSTALL INF 37180 3-23-92 3:10a
README SDK 5729 3-23-92 3:10a
README WR_ 8366 3-23-92 3:10a
ROBUST TX_ 3425 3-23-92 3:10a
WINDOWS TX_ 12577 3-23-92 3:10a
WINDOWSX TX_ 16729 3-23-92 3:10a
14 file(s) 178081 bytes
Directory of A:\ANALYSIS
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DDESPY EX_ 15621 3-23-92 3:10a
HEAPWALK EX_ 23696 3-23-92 3:10a
HOOK DL_ 1985 3-23-92 3:10a
SHOWHITS EX_ 28500 3-23-92 3:10a
SPY EX_ 14997 3-23-92 3:10a
STRESS EX_ 27861 3-23-92 3:10a
STRESS HL_ 18128 3-23-92 3:10a
STRESS IN_ 838 3-23-92 3:10a
VPROD 38_ 2488 3-23-92 3:10a
11 file(s) 134114 bytes
Directory of A:\CONVERT
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
COMPRESS EX_ 11349 3-23-92 3:10a
MARK EX_ 16370 3-23-92 3:10a
4 file(s) 27719 bytes
Directory of A:\NODEBUG
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
GDI SY_ 3437 3-23-92 3:10a
KRNL286 SY_ 2828 3-23-92 3:10a
KRNL386 SY_ 2850 3-23-92 3:10a
MMSYSTEM SY_ 3544 3-23-92 3:10a
USER SY_ 5548 3-23-92 3:10a
7 file(s) 18207 bytes
Directory of A:\REDISTRB
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SMALLF FO_ 10489 3-23-92 3:10a
VER DL_ 6307 3-23-92 3:10a
4 file(s) 16796 bytes
Directory of A:\RESTOOLS
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
ATRM1111 FN_ 2493 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWIN DL_ 6403 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWIN EX_ 8222 3-23-92 3:10a
DLGEDIT EX_ 74157 3-23-92 3:10a
DLGEDIT HL_ 144206 3-23-92 3:10a
EDITHLP HL_ 17121 3-23-92 3:10a
FONTEDIT EX_ 28401 3-23-92 3:10a
FONTEDIT HL_ 10903 3-23-92 3:10a
HC BA_ 78 3-23-92 3:10a
HC30 EX_ 90348 3-23-92 3:10a
HC31 ER_ 3143 3-23-92 3:10a
HC31 EX_ 121570 3-23-92 3:10a
IMAGEDIT EX_ 36634 3-23-92 3:10a
IMAGEDIT HL_ 65565 3-23-92 3:10a
MARKMIDI EX_ 6472 3-23-92 3:10a
MRBC EX_ 35200 3-23-92 3:10a
QH EX_ 49637 3-23-92 3:10a
QH HL_ 24538 3-23-92 3:10a
RC EX_ 40646 3-23-92 3:10a
RCPP ER_ 5733 3-23-92 3:10a
RCPP EX_ 88458 3-23-92 3:10a
SDKTOOL1 GR_ 4439 3-23-92 3:10a
SDKTOOLS GR_ 5569 3-23-92 3:10a
SHED EX_ 49668 3-23-92 3:10a
SHED HL_ 72565 3-23-92 3:10a
VGASYS FN_ 2379 3-23-92 3:10a
ZOOMIN EX_ 4043 3-23-92 3:10a
29 file(s) 998591 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SRVRDEMO <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
3 file(s) 0 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DOC C_ 6763 3-23-92 3:10a
FILE C_ 5255 3-23-92 3:10a
INI RE_ 276 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 822 3-23-92 3:10a
6 file(s) 13116 bytes
Directory of A:\WINSTUB
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
WINSTUB EX_ 182 3-23-92 3:10a
3 file(s) 182 bytes
Total files listed:
81 file(s) 1386806 bytes
52736 bytes free
Volume in drive A is win31SDKD2
Directory of A:\
DBGTOOLS <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DEBUG <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SAMPLES <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
3 file(s) 0 bytes
Directory of A:\DBGTOOLS
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CVW3 EX_ 282311 3-23-92 3:10a
CVW3 HL_ 228167 3-23-92 3:10a
CVWIN DL_ 6823 3-23-92 3:10a
D2N BA_ 40 3-23-92 3:10a
MAPSYM EX_ 21338 3-23-92 3:10a
N2D BA_ 40 3-23-92 3:10a
SWITCH BA_ 1848 3-23-92 3:10a
VCV 38_ 2051 3-23-92 3:10a
WDEB386 EX_ 66170 3-23-92 3:10a
WINDEBUG 38_ 1265 3-23-92 3:10a
12 file(s) 610053 bytes
Directory of A:\DEBUG
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
GDI EX_ 188825 3-23-92 3:10a
GDI SY_ 3434 3-23-92 3:10a
KRNL286 EX_ 74529 3-23-92 3:10a
KRNL286 SY_ 2827 3-23-92 3:10a
KRNL386 EX_ 78865 3-23-92 3:10a
KRNL386 SY_ 2844 3-23-92 3:10a
MMSYSTEM DL_ 38873 3-23-92 3:10a
MMSYSTEM SY_ 3669 3-23-92 3:10a
USER EX_ 227508 3-23-92 3:10a
USER SY_ 6832 3-23-92 3:10a
12 file(s) 628206 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
RAINBOW <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
3 file(s) 0 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
RAINBOW C_ 9700 3-23-92 3:10a
3 file(s) 9700 bytes
Total files listed:
33 file(s) 1247959 bytes
201728 bytes free
Volume in drive A is win31SDKD3
Directory of A:\
DLL <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
INC <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
REDISTRB <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SAMPLES <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
WLIB <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
5 file(s) 0 bytes
Directory of A:\DLL
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
STRESS DL_ 11409 3-23-92 3:10a
STRESSHK DL_ 1998 3-23-92 3:10a
STRESSLG DL_ 5444 3-23-92 3:10a
5 file(s) 18851 bytes
Directory of A:\INC
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CDERR H_ 888 3-23-92 3:10a
CMACROS IN_ 7078 3-23-92 3:10a
COLORDLG H_ 629 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG H_ 4263 3-23-92 3:10a
CPL H_ 2454 3-23-92 3:10a
CUSTCNTL H_ 1624 3-23-92 3:10a
DDE H_ 1564 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEML H_ 5577 3-23-92 3:10a
DLGS H_ 1828 3-23-92 3:10a
DRIVINIT H_ 73 3-23-92 3:10a
LZDOS H_ 115 3-23-92 3:10a
LZEXPAND H_ 1476 3-23-92 3:10a
MMSYSTEM H_ 23133 3-23-92 3:10a
MMSYSTEM IN_ 17469 3-23-92 3:10a
OLE H_ 7694 3-23-92 3:10a
PENWIN H_ 9227 3-23-92 3:10a
PENWOEM H_ 1121 3-23-92 3:10a
PRINT H_ 4306 3-23-92 3:10a
SCRNSAVE H_ 2978 3-23-92 3:10a
SHELLAPI H_ 1339 3-23-92 3:10a
STRESS H_ 768 3-23-92 3:10a
TOOLHELP H_ 5215 3-23-92 3:10a
TOOLHELP IN_ 3118 3-23-92 3:10a
VER H_ 3434 3-23-92 3:10a
WFEXT H_ 1278 3-23-92 3:10a
WINDOWS H_ 49286 3-23-92 3:10a
WINDOWS IN_ 25259 3-23-92 3:10a
WINDOWSX H_ 15138 3-23-92 3:10a
WINMEM32 H_ 430 3-23-92 3:10a
31 file(s) 198762 bytes
Directory of A:\REDISTRB
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG DA_ 50813 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG DL_ 50924 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG DU_ 50930 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG FI_ 50887 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG FR_ 51148 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG GE_ 51168 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG IT_ 50939 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG NO_ 50816 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG PO_ 51041 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG SP_ 51211 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG SW_ 50830 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEML DL_ 22366 3-23-92 3:10a
DIB DR_ 21070 3-23-92 3:10a
EXPAND EXE 15285 3-23-92 3:10a
LZEXPAND DL_ 6551 3-23-92 3:10a
MCIPIONR DR_ 10219 3-23-92 3:10a
OEMSETUP IN_ 298 3-23-92 3:10a
OLECLI DL_ 45422 3-23-92 3:10a
OLESVR DL_ 14552 3-23-92 3:10a
PENWIN DL_ 92403 3-23-92 3:10a
REGLOAD EX_ 9588 3-23-92 3:10a
SMALLB FO_ 10928 3-23-92 3:10a
SMALLE FO_ 12501 3-23-92 3:10a
STRESS DL_ 11409 3-23-92 3:10a
TOOLHELP DL_ 10372 3-23-92 3:10a
VTD 38_ 4681 3-23-92 3:10a
WINHELP EX_ 163861 3-23-92 3:10a
WINMEM32 DL_ 2999 3-23-92 3:10a
30 file(s) 1015212 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
RAINBOW <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
TOOLHELP <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
4 file(s) 0 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
RAINBOW DL_ 412 3-23-92 3:10a
3 file(s) 412 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 808 3-23-92 3:10a
3 file(s) 808 bytes
Directory of A:\WLIB
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG LI_ 511 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEML LI_ 950 3-23-92 3:10a
LIBENTRY AS_ 1445 3-23-92 3:10a
LIBENTRY OB_ 384 3-23-92 3:10a
LIBW LI_ 37130 3-23-92 3:10a
LZEXPAND LI_ 502 3-23-92 3:10a
LZEXPC LI_ 16737 3-23-92 3:10a
LZEXPL LI_ 17069 3-23-92 3:10a
LZEXPM LI_ 14509 3-23-92 3:10a
LZEXPS LI_ 14238 3-23-92 3:10a
MMSYSTEM LI_ 4084 3-23-92 3:10a
OLECLI LI_ 1948 3-23-92 3:10a
OLESVR LI_ 532 3-23-92 3:10a
PENWIN LI_ 2921 3-23-92 3:10a
SCRNSAVE LI_ 7500 3-23-92 3:10a
SHELL LI_ 648 3-23-92 3:10a
STRESS LI_ 537 3-23-92 3:10a
TOOLHELP LI_ 1057 3-23-92 3:10a
VER LI_ 506 3-23-92 3:10a
VERC LI_ 7671 3-23-92 3:10a
VERL LI_ 7767 3-23-92 3:10a
VERM LI_ 7651 3-23-92 3:10a
VERS LI_ 7619 3-23-92 3:10a
WIN87EM LI_ 807 3-23-92 3:10a
WINMEM32 LI_ 509 3-23-92 3:10a
27 file(s) 155232 bytes
Total files listed:
108 file(s) 1389277 bytes
41984 bytes free
Volume in drive A is win31SDKD4
Directory of A:\
GUIDIRS <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
GUISETUP <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
PEN <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
REDISTRB <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SAMPLES <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
5 file(s) 0 bytes
Directory of A:\GUIDIRS
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
BLDCUI <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DISKLAY <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
INTLDLL <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
5 file(s) 0 bytes
Directory of A:\GUIDIRS\BLDCUI
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
BITMAP DI_ 1000 3-23-92 3:10a
BLDVER H_ 608 3-23-92 3:10a
CUI H_ 669 3-23-92 3:10a
CUISTF LN_ 120 3-23-92 3:10a
CUISTFD LN_ 123 3-23-92 3:10a
DIALOGS DL_ 5607 3-23-92 3:10a
DIALOGS H_ 1156 3-23-92 3:10a
DIALOGS RC_ 548 3-23-92 3:10a
DIALOGS RE_ 5881 3-23-92 3:10a
DLGPROCS C_ 10915 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 371 3-23-92 3:10a
MSCOMSTF LI_ 4842 3-23-92 3:10a
MSCUISTF DE_ 367 3-23-92 3:10a
MSSHLSTF LI_ 597 3-23-92 3:10a
MSUILSTF LI_ 557 3-23-92 3:10a
SETUP IC_ 723 3-23-92 3:10a
18 file(s) 34084 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
COLORLST VB_ 10617 3-23-92 3:10a
DSKLAYT EX_ 52490 3-23-92 3:10a
DSKLAYT2 EX_ 57346 3-23-92 3:10a
VBRUN100 DL_ 189920 3-23-92 3:10a
6 file(s) 310373 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
BLDVER H_ 608 3-23-92 3:10a
GAUGE DL_ 366 3-23-92 3:10a
GAUGE H_ 548 3-23-92 3:10a
IDS H_ 2541 3-23-92 3:10a
IDS_INST H_ 99 3-23-92 3:10a
LOGIDS H_ 451 3-23-92 3:10a
MSCOMSTF DL_ 36935 3-23-92 3:10a
MSCOMSTF RC_ 5576 3-23-92 3:10a
MSDETSTF DL_ 14351 3-23-92 3:10a
MSDETSTF RC_ 457 3-23-92 3:10a
MSINSSTF DL_ 39784 3-23-92 3:10a
MSINSSTF RC_ 846 3-23-92 3:10a
MSSHLSTF DL_ 6929 3-23-92 3:10a
MSSHLSTF RC_ 1919 3-23-92 3:10a
MSUILSTF DL_ 3541 3-23-92 3:10a
MSUILSTF RC_ 453 3-23-92 3:10a
18 file(s) 115404 bytes
Directory of A:\GUISETUP
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
FILEDESC WR_ 5388 3-23-92 3:10a
MSCOMSTF DL_ 41320 3-23-92 3:10a
MSCUISTF DL_ 10751 3-23-92 3:10a
MSDETECT IN_ 4726 3-23-92 3:10a
MSDETSTF DL_ 14949 3-23-92 3:10a
MSINSSTF DL_ 40805 3-23-92 3:10a
MSREGDB IN_ 1361 3-23-92 3:10a
MSSHARED IN_ 1151 3-23-92 3:10a
MSSHLSTF DL_ 9226 3-23-92 3:10a
MSUILSTF DL_ 3970 3-23-92 3:10a
README WR_ 8633 3-23-92 3:10a
SAMPLE1 IN_ 415 3-23-92 3:10a
SAMPLE1 MS_ 2579 3-23-92 3:10a
SAMPLE2 IN_ 475 3-23-92 3:10a
SAMPLE2 MS_ 4570 3-23-92 3:10a
SAMPLE3 IN_ 503 3-23-92 3:10a
SAMPLE3 MS_ 1393 3-23-92 3:10a
SETUP EX_ 15807 3-23-92 3:10a
SETUP LS_ 336 3-23-92 3:10a
SETUPAPI IN_ 13459 3-23-92 3:10a
TESTDRVR HL_ 37672 3-23-92 3:10a
_MSSETUP EX_ 7543 3-23-92 3:10a
_MSTEST EX_ 55370 3-23-92 3:10a
25 file(s) 282402 bytes
Directory of A:\PEN
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MARS DL_ 90573 3-23-92 3:10a
MARS MO_ 76040 3-23-92 3:10a
MSMOUSE DR_ 4287 3-23-92 3:10a
PENWIN IN_ 328 3-23-92 3:10a
README TX_ 7313 3-23-92 3:10a
VGAP DR_ 43502 3-23-92 3:10a
YESMOUSE DR_ 317 3-23-92 3:10a
9 file(s) 222360 bytes
Directory of A:\REDISTRB
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SHELL DL_ 25821 3-23-92 3:10a
WINHELP HL_ 23822 3-23-92 3:10a
4 file(s) 49643 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIDEMO <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CROPDIB <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEML <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
HELPEX <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
INSTVER <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MEMORY <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MYPAL <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
RAINBOW <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SRVRDEMO <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
11 file(s) 0 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIDEMO C_ 12477 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIDEMO DE_ 442 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIDEMO H_ 1040 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIDEMO IC_ 310 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIDEMO RC_ 4761 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIVER RC_ 174 3-23-92 3:10a
DEMORC H_ 2241 3-23-92 3:10a
DIALOG C_ 11932 3-23-92 3:10a
DIALOG H_ 1205 3-23-92 3:10a
GLOBAL H_ 1953 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 893 3-23-92 3:10a
OBJECT C_ 14734 3-23-92 3:10a
OBJECT H_ 712 3-23-92 3:10a
REGISTER C_ 2519 3-23-92 3:10a
REGISTER H_ 336 3-23-92 3:10a
STREAM C_ 4557 3-23-92 3:10a
STREAM H_ 539 3-23-92 3:10a
UTILITY C_ 5770 3-23-92 3:10a
UTILITY H_ 627 3-23-92 3:10a
21 file(s) 67222 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CROPDIB C_ 6580 3-23-92 3:10a
CROPDIB DE_ 243 3-23-92 3:10a
CROPDIB H_ 752 3-23-92 3:10a
CROPDIB IC_ 229 3-23-92 3:10a
CROPDIB RC_ 1470 3-23-92 3:10a
DIB C_ 13430 3-23-92 3:10a
DIB H_ 876 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 804 3-23-92 3:10a
10 file(s) 24384 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\DDEML
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIENT <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CLOCK <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SERVER <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
5 file(s) 0 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CLINIT C_ 2092 3-23-92 3:10a
CONV IC_ 343 3-23-92 3:10a
DDE C_ 7766 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLCL C_ 14426 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLCL DE_ 457 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLCL DL_ 2357 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLCL H_ 3656 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLCL IC_ 359 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLCL RC_ 1456 3-23-92 3:10a
DIALOG C_ 8971 3-23-92 3:10a
DIALOG H_ 532 3-23-92 3:10a
HUGE C_ 2141 3-23-92 3:10a
HUGE H_ 212 3-23-92 3:10a
INFOCTRL C_ 6742 3-23-92 3:10a
INFOCTRL H_ 1039 3-23-92 3:10a
LIST IC_ 295 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 886 3-23-92 3:10a
MEM C_ 956 3-23-92 3:10a
TRACK C_ 2773 3-23-92 3:10a
TRACK H_ 367 3-23-92 3:10a
22 file(s) 57826 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CLOCKDAT AS_ 509 3-23-92 3:10a
CLOCKDAT BI_ 281 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLCLK C_ 10494 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLCLK DE_ 264 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLCLK DL_ 414 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLCLK H_ 1362 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLCLK IC_ 315 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLCLK RC_ 287 3-23-92 3:10a
GETTIME AS_ 568 3-23-92 3:10a
GETTIME OB_ 219 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 854 3-23-92 3:10a
WRAPPER C_ 5215 3-23-92 3:10a
WRAPPER H_ 1044 3-23-92 3:10a
15 file(s) 21826 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DDE C_ 6716 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLSV C_ 8362 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLSV DE_ 382 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLSV DL_ 1072 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLSV H_ 1957 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLSV IC_ 366 3-23-92 3:10a
DDEMLSV RC_ 633 3-23-92 3:10a
DIALOG C_ 2627 3-23-92 3:10a
DIALOG H_ 160 3-23-92 3:10a
HUGE C_ 2141 3-23-92 3:10a
HUGE H_ 212 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 829 3-23-92 3:10a
14 file(s) 25457 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\HELPEX
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
BULLET BM_ 129 3-23-92 3:10a
CHKBOFF BM_ 67 3-23-92 3:10a
CHKBON BM_ 93 3-23-92 3:10a
CODEC BM_ 320 3-23-92 3:10a
CONTINUE BM_ 250 3-23-92 3:10a
DONE BM_ 229 3-23-92 3:10a
HELP CU_ 232 3-23-92 3:10a
HELPEX C_ 4476 3-23-92 3:10a
HELPEX DE_ 244 3-23-92 3:10a
HELPEX DL_ 274 3-23-92 3:10a
HELPEX HP_ 526 3-23-92 3:10a
HELPEX H_ 451 3-23-92 3:10a
HELPEX RC_ 646 3-23-92 3:10a
HELPEX RT_ 9894 3-23-92 3:10a
HELPICON BM_ 146 3-23-92 3:10a
HELPIDS H_ 273 3-23-92 3:10a
KEYS RT_ 4368 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 793 3-23-92 3:10a
MAX2ICON BM_ 83 3-23-92 3:10a
MOUSE BM_ 108 3-23-92 3:10a
TERMS RT_ 1169 3-23-92 3:10a
WINWORD BM_ 286 3-23-92 3:10a
24 file(s) 25057 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DLLENTRY AS_ 1225 3-23-92 3:10a
DLLENTRY OB_ 487 3-23-92 3:10a
DOS AS_ 2580 3-23-92 3:10a
DOS OB_ 1099 3-23-92 3:10a
INSTPRIV H_ 1512 3-23-92 3:10a
INSTVER C_ 5612 3-23-92 3:10a
INSTVER DE_ 246 3-23-92 3:10a
INSTVER H_ 687 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 1077 3-23-92 3:10a
11 file(s) 14525 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\MEMORY
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 796 3-23-92 3:10a
MEM H_ 265 3-23-92 3:10a
MEMORY DE_ 323 3-23-92 3:10a
MEMORY RC_ 375 3-23-92 3:10a
MEMORY1 C_ 467 3-23-92 3:10a
MEMORY2 C_ 753 3-23-92 3:10a
MEMORY3 C_ 604 3-23-92 3:10a
MEMORY4 C_ 485 3-23-92 3:10a
10 file(s) 4068 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\MYPAL
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 772 3-23-92 3:10a
MYPAL C_ 6684 3-23-92 3:10a
MYPAL DE_ 208 3-23-92 3:10a
MYPAL H_ 285 3-23-92 3:10a
MYPAL IC_ 193 3-23-92 3:10a
MYPAL RC_ 159 3-23-92 3:10a
8 file(s) 8301 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 781 3-23-92 3:10a
RAINBOW DE_ 254 3-23-92 3:10a
RAINBOW H_ 345 3-23-92 3:10a
RAINBOW RC_ 503 3-23-92 3:10a
6 file(s) 1883 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
OBJ C_ 10892 3-23-92 3:10a
SERVER C_ 5485 3-23-92 3:10a
SRVRDEMO C_ 13279 3-23-92 3:10a
SRVRDEMO DE_ 752 3-23-92 3:10a
SRVRDEMO H_ 4378 3-23-92 3:10a
SRVRDEMO IC_ 254 3-23-92 3:10a
SRVRDEMO RC_ 1231 3-23-92 3:10a
9 file(s) 36271 bytes
Total files listed:
256 file(s) 1301086 bytes
93184 bytes free
Volume in drive A is win31SDKD5
Directory of A:\
SAMPLES <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
1 file(s) 0 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
BITMAP <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
BLANDMDI <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
BOUNCER <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CDDEMO <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIPTEXT <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
COMMDLG <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CURSOR <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWIN <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DDE <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DEFPROCS <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DIBIT <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DIBVIEW <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DRAGDROP <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
EDITCNTL <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
EDITFILE <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
EDITMENU <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
EXPENSE <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
FILEOPEN <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
FONTEST <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
GDOSMEM <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
GENERIC <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
GWAPI <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
HANDLER <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
HELPHOOK <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
HFORM <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
HOOKS <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
ICON <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
INPUT <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
LISTHORZ <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
LOWPASS <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MACROHLP <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEAPP <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MCITEST <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MENU <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MIDIMON <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MULTIPAD <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MUSCROLL <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
OWNERB <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
PALETTE <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
PENCNTL <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
PENPAD <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
REVERSE <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
ROTARY <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SHOWGDI <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SNOOP <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SREC <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
TDOSMEM <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
TIMERS <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
TOOLHELP <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
TTY <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
VER <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
VERSTAMP <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
WINMEM32 <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
WMFDCODE <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
XTENSION <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
57 file(s) 0 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\BITMAP
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
BITMAP C_ 5533 3-23-92 3:10a
BITMAP DE_ 252 3-23-92 3:10a
BITMAP H_ 417 3-23-92 3:10a
BITMAP RC_ 555 3-23-92 3:10a
CAT BM_ 359 3-23-92 3:10a
DOG BM_ 352 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 793 3-23-92 3:10a
SELECT C_ 1265 3-23-92 3:10a
SELECT DL_ 2807 3-23-92 3:10a
SELECT H_ 478 3-23-92 3:10a
SELECT LI_ 340 3-23-92 3:10a
13 file(s) 13151 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
BLANDINI C_ 1950 3-23-92 3:10a
BLANDMDI C_ 3057 3-23-92 3:10a
BLANDMDI DE_ 340 3-23-92 3:10a
BLANDMDI H_ 825 3-23-92 3:10a
BLANDMDI RC_ 585 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 847 3-23-92 3:10a
MDICHILD IC_ 241 3-23-92 3:10a
MDIFRAME IC_ 252 3-23-92 3:10a
10 file(s) 8097 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
BOUNCER C_ 5750 3-23-92 3:10a
BOUNCER DE_ 365 3-23-92 3:10a
BOUNCER DL_ 841 3-23-92 3:10a
BOUNCER H_ 668 3-23-92 3:10a
BOUNCER IC_ 259 3-23-92 3:10a
BOUNCER RC_ 574 3-23-92 3:10a
FROG BM_ 1246 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 830 3-23-92 3:10a
RIBBIT WA_ 3266 3-23-92 3:10a
SCRNSAVE DL_ 898 3-23-92 3:10a
12 file(s) 14697 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\CDDEMO
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CDDEMO C_ 15481 3-23-92 3:10a
CDDEMO DE_ 569 3-23-92 3:10a
CDDEMO DL_ 369 3-23-92 3:10a
CDDEMO H_ 2613 3-23-92 3:10a
CDDEMO IC_ 323 3-23-92 3:10a
CDDEMO RC_ 1601 3-23-92 3:10a
DLGBRUSH BM_ 94 3-23-92 3:10a
ERROR C_ 1882 3-23-92 3:10a
INIT C_ 686 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 798 3-23-92 3:10a
PRINT DL_ 321 3-23-92 3:10a
13 file(s) 24737 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIPTEXT C_ 4370 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIPTEXT DE_ 254 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIPTEXT H_ 392 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIPTEXT RC_ 765 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 774 3-23-92 3:10a
7 file(s) 6555 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CDDRV BM_ 140 3-23-92 3:10a
COLOR DL_ 890 3-23-92 3:10a
FILEOPEN DL_ 1261 3-23-92 3:10a
FINDTEXT DL_ 975 3-23-92 3:10a
FONT BM_ 277 3-23-92 3:10a
FONT DL_ 832 3-23-92 3:10a
LANDSCAP IC_ 509 3-23-92 3:10a
PORTRAIT IC_ 527 3-23-92 3:10a
PRNSETUP DL_ 1309 3-23-92 3:10a
SMFLDER BM_ 128 3-23-92 3:10a
SMFLDR1 BM_ 138 3-23-92 3:10a
SMFLDR2 BM_ 131 3-23-92 3:10a
SMFLDR3 BM_ 150 3-23-92 3:10a
SMFLDR4 BM_ 152 3-23-92 3:10a
SMFLDR5 BM_ 163 3-23-92 3:10a
SMFLOPY BM_ 128 3-23-92 3:10a
SMHARD BM_ 125 3-23-92 3:10a
SMNET BM_ 133 3-23-92 3:10a
SMRAM BM_ 126 3-23-92 3:10a
21 file(s) 8094 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\CURSOR
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
BULLSEYE CU_ 187 3-23-92 3:10a
CURSOR C_ 5263 3-23-92 3:10a
CURSOR DE_ 254 3-23-92 3:10a
CURSOR H_ 225 3-23-92 3:10a
CURSOR RC_ 401 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 786 3-23-92 3:10a
8 file(s) 7116 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\DBWIN
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
ALLOCBRK C_ 1656 3-23-92 3:10a
COMOUT C_ 1329 3-23-92 3:10a
DBAPI TX_ 4189 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWIN C_ 5659 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWIN DE_ 202 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWIN DL_ 1695 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWIN H_ 1056 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWIN IC_ 350 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWIN RC_ 770 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWIN TX_ 5229 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWIN VE_ 848 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWINDLL C_ 3102 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWINDLL DE_ 189 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWINDLL H_ 518 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWINDLL RC_ 91 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWINDLL VE_ 867 3-23-92 3:10a
DBWINDLP H_ 795 3-23-92 3:10a
DLGDEFS H_ 604 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 1168 3-23-92 3:10a
MONOOUT C_ 2451 3-23-92 3:10a
NFYFMT C_ 3394 3-23-92 3:10a
SETDB C_ 2466 3-23-92 3:10a
24 file(s) 38628 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\DDE
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIDATA C_ 6477 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIDDE C_ 6373 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIENT C_ 6580 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIENT DE_ 387 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIENT DL_ 1685 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIENT H_ 1047 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIENT RC_ 598 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIRES H_ 270 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 943 3-23-92 3:10a
SERVDATA C_ 4695 3-23-92 3:10a
SERVDDE C_ 5297 3-23-92 3:10a
SERVER C_ 3707 3-23-92 3:10a
SERVER DE_ 266 3-23-92 3:10a
SERVER H_ 836 3-23-92 3:10a
SERVER RC_ 472 3-23-92 3:10a
SERVRES H_ 97 3-23-92 3:10a
18 file(s) 39730 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DEFDLG C_ 3377 3-23-92 3:10a
DEFWND C_ 5337 3-23-92 3:10a
4 file(s) 8714 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\DIBIT
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DIBIT C_ 10242 3-23-92 3:10a
DIBIT DE_ 632 3-23-92 3:10a
DIBIT H_ 648 3-23-92 3:10a
DIBIT RC_ 547 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 781 3-23-92 3:10a
7 file(s) 12850 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
ABOUT C_ 861 3-23-92 3:10a
ABOUT H_ 180 3-23-92 3:10a
CAPTURE C_ 4650 3-23-92 3:10a
CAPTURE H_ 329 3-23-92 3:10a
CHILD C_ 22196 3-23-92 3:10a
CHILD H_ 1397 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIPBRD C_ 4253 3-23-92 3:10a
CLIPBRD H_ 421 3-23-92 3:10a
DIB C_ 5078 3-23-92 3:10a
DIB H_ 630 3-23-92 3:10a
DIBDRAG CU_ 170 3-23-92 3:10a
DIBVIEW C_ 1270 3-23-92 3:10a
DIBVIEW DE_ 369 3-23-92 3:10a
DIBVIEW H_ 1294 3-23-92 3:10a
DIBVIEW IC_ 330 3-23-92 3:10a
DIBVIEW RC_ 4522 3-23-92 3:10a
ERRORS C_ 1135 3-23-92 3:10a
ERRORS H_ 929 3-23-92 3:10a
FILE C_ 12140 3-23-92 3:10a
FILE H_ 1631 3-23-92 3:10a
FRAME C_ 8169 3-23-92 3:10a
FRAME H_ 205 3-23-92 3:10a
INIT C_ 2269 3-23-92 3:10a
INIT H_ 152 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 1022 3-23-92 3:10a
MYDIB IC_ 244 3-23-92 3:10a
OPTIONS C_ 4206 3-23-92 3:10a
OPTIONS DL_ 932 3-23-92 3:10a
OPTIONS H_ 1165 3-23-92 3:10a
PAINT C_ 3492 3-23-92 3:10a
PAINT H_ 177 3-23-92 3:10a
PALETTE C_ 11523 3-23-92 3:10a
PALETTE H_ 1442 3-23-92 3:10a
PRINT C_ 13019 3-23-92 3:10a
PRINT H_ 1446 3-23-92 3:10a
SELECT CU_ 175 3-23-92 3:10a
38 file(s) 113423 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DRAGDROP C_ 3385 3-23-92 3:10a
DRAGDROP DE_ 288 3-23-92 3:10a
DRAGDROP H_ 508 3-23-92 3:10a
DRAGDROP IC_ 238 3-23-92 3:10a
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8 file(s) 6066 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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7 file(s) 4823 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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7 file(s) 9739 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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7 file(s) 4268 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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NAMES DI_ 139 3-23-92 3:10a
14 file(s) 16883 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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7 file(s) 5756 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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PRINT DL_ 303 3-23-92 3:10a
PRINT H_ 149 3-23-92 3:10a
13 file(s) 13055 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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READ ME_ 91 3-23-92 3:10a
10 file(s) 11062 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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7 file(s) 6140 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\GWAPI
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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5 file(s) 4050 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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12 file(s) 10906 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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9 file(s) 10006 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\HFORM
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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9 file(s) 10915 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\HOOKS
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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13 file(s) 16937 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\ICON
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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8 file(s) 3846 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\INPUT
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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INPUT RC_ 368 3-23-92 3:10a
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7 file(s) 5516 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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15 file(s) 13259 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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LOWPASS RC_ 825 3-23-92 3:10a
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8 file(s) 7340 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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8 file(s) 22263 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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27 file(s) 57679 bytes
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15 file(s) 22192 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\MENU
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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11 file(s) 10957 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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23 file(s) 28446 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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13 file(s) 25280 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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INIT C_ 4205 3-23-92 3:10a
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WEP C_ 492 3-23-92 3:10a
20 file(s) 36134 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\OWNERB
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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PLAY BM_ 167 3-23-92 3:10a
PLAYS BM_ 173 3-23-92 3:10a
10 file(s) 4210 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
INIT C_ 960 3-23-92 3:10a
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10 file(s) 6423 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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4 file(s) 12245 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\PENPAD
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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PP300 IC_ 292 3-23-92 3:10a
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15 file(s) 38782 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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8 file(s) 8873 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\ROTARY
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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9 file(s) 9173 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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DLG H_ 1893 3-23-92 3:10a
DRAW C_ 2093 3-23-92 3:10a
DRAW H_ 861 3-23-92 3:10a
MAIN C_ 2168 3-23-92 3:10a
MAIN H_ 514 3-23-92 3:10a
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MENUS RC_ 1558 3-23-92 3:10a
SHOWGDI DE_ 475 3-23-92 3:10a
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24 file(s) 65219 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\SNOOP
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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8 file(s) 8863 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\SREC
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MAIN H_ 467 3-23-92 3:10a
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12 file(s) 21552 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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10 file(s) 11149 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\TIMERS
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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TIMERS RC_ 341 3-23-92 3:10a
7 file(s) 5144 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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9 file(s) 20587 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\TTY
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.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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TTY BM_ 420 3-23-92 3:10a
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11 file(s) 26060 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\VER
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.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
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TERMINAL RC_ 2053 3-23-92 3:10a
16 file(s) 29538 bytes
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8 file(s) 19757 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\WINMEM32
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3 file(s) 6576 bytes
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WMFDCODE RC_ 2710 3-23-92 3:10a
WMFMETA C_ 12537 3-23-92 3:10a
WMFPRINT C_ 3064 3-23-92 3:10a
14 file(s) 63212 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 793 3-23-92 3:10a
XTENSION C_ 7389 3-23-92 3:10a
XTENSION DE_ 295 3-23-92 3:10a
XTENSION H_ 897 3-23-92 3:10a
XTENSION IC_ 487 3-23-92 3:10a
XTENSION RC_ 1491 3-23-92 3:10a
8 file(s) 11352 bytes
Total files listed:
702 file(s) 1028025 bytes
256000 bytes free
Volume in drive A is win31SDKD6
Directory of A:\
SAMPLES <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
WIN31QH <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
2 file(s) 0 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MULTIPAD <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
OUTPUT <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
OWNCOMBO <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
PRNTFILE <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SELECT <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SHOWDIB <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
8 file(s) 0 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MPPRINT C_ 4331 3-23-92 3:10a
3 file(s) 4331 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\OUTPUT
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 772 3-23-92 3:10a
OUTPUT C_ 4725 3-23-92 3:10a
OUTPUT DE_ 255 3-23-92 3:10a
OUTPUT H_ 209 3-23-92 3:10a
OUTPUT RC_ 374 3-23-92 3:10a
7 file(s) 6335 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 777 3-23-92 3:10a
OWNCOMBO C_ 8167 3-23-92 3:10a
OWNCOMBO DE_ 259 3-23-92 3:10a
OWNCOMBO DL_ 1440 3-23-92 3:10a
OWNCOMBO H_ 706 3-23-92 3:10a
OWNCOMBO IC_ 246 3-23-92 3:10a
OWNCOMBO RC_ 456 3-23-92 3:10a
README TX_ 972 3-23-92 3:10a
10 file(s) 13023 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 800 3-23-92 3:10a
PRNTFILE C_ 10361 3-23-92 3:10a
PRNTFILE DE_ 360 3-23-92 3:10a
PRNTFILE H_ 663 3-23-92 3:10a
PRNTFILE RC_ 925 3-23-92 3:10a
7 file(s) 13109 bytes
Directory of A:\SAMPLES\SELECT
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DEMO C_ 2943 3-23-92 3:10a
DEMO DE_ 248 3-23-92 3:10a
DEMO H_ 224 3-23-92 3:10a
DEMO RC_ 450 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 992 3-23-92 3:10a
SELECT C_ 2093 3-23-92 3:10a
SELECT DE_ 220 3-23-92 3:10a
SELECT H_ 495 3-23-92 3:10a
10 file(s) 7665 bytes
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
DIB C_ 9352 3-23-92 3:10a
DLGOPEN C_ 5947 3-23-92 3:10a
DLGOPENA AS_ 1262 3-23-92 3:10a
DLGOPENA OB_ 219 3-23-92 3:10a
DRAWDIB C_ 11426 3-23-92 3:10a
MAKEFILE _ 839 3-23-92 3:10a
PRINT C_ 2517 3-23-92 3:10a
SHOWDIB C_ 13205 3-23-92 3:10a
SHOWDIB DE_ 289 3-23-92 3:10a
SHOWDIB DL_ 1556 3-23-92 3:10a
SHOWDIB H_ 3968 3-23-92 3:10a
SHOWDIB IC_ 302 3-23-92 3:10a
SHOWDIB RC_ 603 3-23-92 3:10a
15 file(s) 51485 bytes
Directory of A:\WIN31QH
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
API31 HL_ 1104411 3-23-92 3:10a
MCISTRQH HL_ 77812 3-23-92 3:10a
PENAPIQH HL_ 133396 3-23-92 3:10a
5 file(s) 1315619 bytes
Total files listed:
67 file(s) 1411567 bytes
32256 bytes free
Volume in drive A is win31SDKD7
Directory of A:\
WIN31QH <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
1 file(s) 0 bytes
Directory of A:\WIN31QH
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MSGS31 HL_ 523612 3-23-92 3:10a
OVER31 HL_ 757905 3-23-92 3:10a
WINHELP HL_ 23822 3-23-92 3:10a
5 file(s) 1305339 bytes
Total files listed:
6 file(s) 1305339 bytes
151040 bytes free
Volume in drive A is win31SDKD8
Directory of A:\
WIN31QH <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
WIN31WH <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
2 file(s) 0 bytes
Directory of A:\WIN31QH
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
WIN31MQH HL_ 202873 3-23-92 3:10a
3 file(s) 202873 bytes
Directory of A:\WIN31WH
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
WIN31WH 1H_ 1144227 3-23-92 3:10a
3 file(s) 1144227 bytes
Total files listed:
8 file(s) 1347100 bytes
109056 bytes free
Volume in drive A is win31SDKD9
Directory of A:\
WIN31WH <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
WLIB <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
2 file(s) 0 bytes
Directory of A:\WIN31WH
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
SAMPLES HL_ 51502 3-23-92 3:10a
WIN31WH 0H_ 1098700 3-23-92 3:10a
4 file(s) 1150202 bytes
Directory of A:\WLIB
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
TIPS HL_ 176046 3-23-92 3:10a
3 file(s) 176046 bytes
Total files listed:
9 file(s) 1326248 bytes
130048 bytes free
Volume in drive A is win31SDKD10
Directory of A:\
WIN31WH <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
1 file(s) 0 bytes
Directory of A:\WIN31WH
. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
.. <DIR> 3-23-92 3:10a
MCISTRWH HL_ 119633 3-23-92 3:10a
PENAPIWH HL_ 191010 3-23-92 3:10a
WIN31MWH HL_ 263544 3-23-92 3:10a
WIN31WH 2H_ 843422 3-23-92 3:10a
6 file(s) 1417609 bytes
Total files listed:
7 file(s) 1417609 bytes
38400 bytes free
Volume in drive A is C6RUNLIB
Directory of A:\
INSTALL BAT 1310 3-09-92 12:42p
INCLUDE <DIR> 3-18-92 1:53p
LIB <DIR> 3-18-92 1:54p
3 file(s) 1310 bytes
Directory of A:\INCLUDE
. <DIR> 3-18-92 1:53p
.. <DIR> 3-18-92 1:53p
ASSERT H 594 12-05-90 3:10a
BIOS H 4577 12-05-90 3:10a
CONIO H 1043 12-05-90 3:10a
CTYPE H 2979 12-05-90 3:10a
DIRECT H 892 12-05-90 3:10a
DOS H 5550 12-05-90 3:10a
ERRNO H 1428 12-05-90 3:10a
FCNTL H 1126 12-05-90 3:10a
FLOAT H 4911 12-05-90 3:10a
IO H 1512 12-05-90 3:10a
LIMITS H 1326 12-05-90 3:10a
LOCALE H 1519 12-05-90 3:10a
MALLOC H 4112 12-05-90 3:10a
MATH H 7881 12-05-90 3:10a
MEMORY H 1628 12-05-90 3:10a
PROCESS H 2881 12-05-90 3:10a
SEARCH H 1159 12-05-90 3:10a
SETJMP H 822 12-05-90 3:10a
SHARE H 450 12-05-90 3:10a
SIGNAL H 2019 12-05-90 3:10a
STDARG H 894 12-05-90 3:10a
STDDEF H 1254 12-05-90 3:10a
STDIO H 6432 12-05-90 3:10a
STDLIB H 6641 12-05-90 3:10a
STRING H 4975 12-05-90 3:10a
TIME H 3119 12-05-90 3:10a
VARARGS H 922 12-05-90 3:10a
SYS <DIR> 3-18-92 1:54p
30 file(s) 72646 bytes
Directory of A:\INCLUDE\SYS
. <DIR> 3-18-92 1:54p
.. <DIR> 3-18-92 1:54p
LOCKING H 468 12-05-90 3:10a
STAT H 1330 12-05-90 3:10a
TIMEB H 827 12-05-90 3:10a
TYPES H 734 12-05-90 3:10a
UTIME H 968 12-05-90 3:10a
7 file(s) 4327 bytes
Directory of A:\LIB
. <DIR> 3-18-92 1:54p
.. <DIR> 3-18-92 1:54p
CDLLCW LIB 93181 12-05-90 3:10a
CLIBCW LIB 104589 12-05-90 3:10a
CLIBFPW LIB 73637 12-05-90 3:10a
CNOCRT LIB 2071 12-05-90 3:10a
CNOCRTD LIB 1559 12-05-90 3:10a
LDLLCW LIB 95229 12-05-90 3:10a
LIBH LIB 21033 12-05-90 3:10a
LLIBCW LIB 106125 12-05-90 3:10a
LLIBFPW LIB 77221 12-05-90 3:10a
LNOCRT LIB 2071 12-05-90 3:10a
LNOCRTD LIB 1559 12-05-90 3:10a
MDLLCW LIB 90613 12-05-90 3:10a
MLIBCW LIB 100993 12-05-90 3:10a
MLIBFPW LIB 75173 12-05-90 3:10a
MNOCRT LIB 2071 12-05-90 3:10a
MNOCRTD LIB 1559 12-05-90 3:10a
SDLLCW LIB 89077 12-05-90 3:10a
SLIBCW LIB 98945 12-05-90 3:10a
SLIBFPW LIB 72613 12-05-90 3:10a
SNOCRT LIB 2071 12-05-90 3:10a
SNOCRTD LIB 1559 12-05-90 3:10a
23 file(s) 1112949 bytes
Total files listed:
63 file(s) 1191232 bytes
250880 bytes free