PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


Microsoft Mouse 6.xx

The MS Mouse 6.14 (SETUP) disk was labeled:

Microsoft Mouse
Setup Disk/PC Paintbrush for Windows

For IBM Personal Computers and 100% Compatibles and
for the IBM Personal System/2 Series

Copyright 1987. ZSoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
Copyright 1983-1987. Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.

00420  056199.100

We don’t have any information regarding the labels of the MS Mouse 6.24 diskettes.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....

Directory of MS Mouse 6.14 (SETUP)

 Volume in drive A is WIN PBRUSH
 Directory of A:\

MSETUP   COM     36899   1-15-88  12:00p
MOUSE    COM     14551   1-15-88  12:00p
MOUSE    SYS     14394   1-15-88  12:00p
MENU     COM      2540   1-15-88  12:00p
CPANEL   COM     19858   1-15-88  12:00p
DEFAULT  COM      8787   1-15-88  12:00p
DEMO     EXE      8224   1-15-88  12:00p
DEMOM    COM     27888   1-15-88  12:00p
MS       PGM     23936   1-15-88  12:00p
STARTLES CTX      3368   1-15-88  12:00p
STARTLES SCN      1157   1-15-88  12:00p
STARTLES SOB       978   1-15-88  12:00p
PIANO    EXE     26707   1-15-88  12:00p
MREADME  DOC      5529   1-15-88  12:00p
PBRUSH   EXE    126096   1-15-88  12:00p
PBREADME DOC      5396   1-15-88  12:00p
EAGLE    PCX     21899   1-15-88  12:00p
       17 file(s)     348207 bytes
                        2048 bytes free

Directory of MS Mouse 6.24 (SETUP)

 Volume in drive A is SETUP
 Directory of A:\

COMSP    EXE      2318   8-01-88  12:00a
CPANEL   COM     19858   8-01-88  12:00a
DEMO     BAT       782   8-01-88  12:00a
DEMOM    COM     27888   8-01-88  12:00a
DISKS    COM        45   8-01-88  12:00a
MENU     COM      2540   8-01-88  12:00a
MENUREAD ME      40010   8-01-88  12:00a
MOUSE    COM     14668   8-01-88  12:00a
MOUSE    DRV      3358   8-01-88  12:00a
MOUSE    SYS     14511   8-01-88  12:00a
MREADME  DOC      4302   8-01-88  12:00a
MS       PGM     23936   8-01-88  12:00a
MS123    COM     16640   8-01-88  12:00a
MSETUP   COM     36899   8-01-88  12:00a
MSMM2    COM     11575   8-01-88  12:00a
MSPF     COM     11478   8-01-88  12:00a
MSPLAN   COM     15184   8-01-88  12:00a
MSPW2    COM     13342   8-01-88  12:00a
MSSC4    COM     20580   8-01-88  12:00a
MSWS     COM     19200   8-01-88  12:00a
MSWS5    COM     12360   8-01-88  12:00a
PIANO    EXE     26707   8-01-88  12:00a
STARTLES CTX      3368   8-01-88  12:00a
STARTLES SOB       978   8-01-88  12:00a
STARTLES SCN      1157   8-01-88  12:00a
       25 file(s)     343684 bytes
                        1024 bytes free

Directory of MS Mouse 6.24 (PROGRAM)

 Volume in drive A is PROGRAM
 Directory of A:\

BIT16X14 FNT      7426   8-01-88  12:00a
BIT16X16 FNT      8450   8-01-88  12:00a
BIT8X14  FNT      3856   8-01-88  12:00a
BIT8X16  FNT      4354   8-01-88  12:00a
BIT8X8   FNT      2314   8-01-88  12:00a
DEF16    PAL      1156   8-01-88  12:00a
DEF2     PAL      1156   8-01-88  12:00a
DEF256   PAL      1156   8-01-88  12:00a
DEF4     PAL      1156   8-01-88  12:00a
FRIEZE   COM     41600   8-01-88  12:00a
GRAY16   PAL      1156   8-01-88  12:00a
HBIOS    COM      2071   8-01-88  12:00a
MSSYM    COM     24124   8-01-88  12:00a
MSWP4    COM     32576   8-01-88  12:00a
MSWP5    COM     39086   8-01-88  12:00a
P322     ICO      1601   8-01-88  12:00a
P3228    ICO      2829   8-01-88  12:00a
P642     ICO      1652   8-01-88  12:00a
P643     ICO      3232   8-01-88  12:00a
P644     ICO      3383   8-01-88  12:00a
P6448    ICO      4115   8-01-88  12:00a
P723     ICO      3391   8-01-88  12:00a
PBRUSH   EXE    136727   8-01-88  12:00a
PBRUSH   OVL      1299   8-01-88  12:00a
PBRUSH1  OVL      1919   8-01-88  12:00a
PBRUSH2  OVL      4557   8-01-88  12:00a
ROMAN    FNT      8001   8-01-88  12:00a
       27 file(s)     344343 bytes
                        1024 bytes free

Directory of MS Mouse 6.24 (UTILITIES)

 Volume in drive A is UTILITIES
 Directory of A:\

ATT      DEV      1857   8-01-88  12:00a
BIT5X8   FNT      1282   8-01-88  12:00a
BIT9X14  FNT      7426   8-01-88  12:00a
CARDS    DAT       809   8-01-88  12:00a
CN1      DEV       593   8-01-88  12:00a
CN8      DEV      1083   8-01-88  12:00a
CNQ      DEV      1646   8-01-88  12:00a
COMPUTER FNT      3058   8-01-88  12:00a
CONVERT  EXE     60407   8-01-88  12:00a
DRIVE1           40923   8-01-88  12:00a
DRIVE2           40160   8-01-88  12:00a
DRIVE8           39541   8-01-88  12:00a
EGA      DEV      1419   8-01-88  12:00a
EPSONFX  PDV       826   8-01-88  12:00a
EPSONFXW PDV       825   8-01-88  12:00a
EPSONJX  PDV      1022   8-01-88  12:00a
EPSONJXW PDV      1021   8-01-88  12:00a
EPSONLP  PDV       662   8-01-88  12:00a
EPSONLQ  PDV       874   8-01-88  12:00a
EPSONLQW PDV       873   8-01-88  12:00a
EPSONMX  PDV       806   8-01-88  12:00a
EPSONMXW PDV       805   8-01-88  12:00a
EURO     FNT      3038   8-01-88  12:00a
GREEK    FNT      5729   8-01-88  12:00a
HER      DEV       694   8-01-88  12:00a
HP300    PDV       674   8-01-88  12:00a
HPLASER  PDV       644   8-01-88  12:00a
IBM      DEV       717   8-01-88  12:00a
IBMCOLOR PDV      1000   8-01-88  12:00a
IBMJET   PDV       723   8-01-88  12:00a
IBMQW2   PDV       731   8-01-88  12:00a
LTROMAN  FNT      5789   8-01-88  12:00a
MSCVERT  OVL       220   8-01-88  12:00a
MSCVERT1 OVL       898   8-01-88  12:00a
MSCVERT2 OVL       148   8-01-88  12:00a
MSDB3    COM     11195   8-01-88  12:00a
MSMENU   COM      8946   8-01-88  12:00a
NEC      PDV       987   8-01-88  12:00a
OENGLISH FNT      9108   8-01-88  12:00a
OKI190   PDV       730   8-01-88  12:00a
OKI190W  PDV       729   8-01-88  12:00a
OKI290BW PDV       727   8-01-88  12:00a
OKI290W  PDV       812   8-01-88  12:00a
OKI84S2W PDV       743   8-01-88  12:00a
OKI90W   PDV       728   8-01-88  12:00a
OKICOLOR PDV       944   8-01-88  12:00a
OKIMATE  PDV       820   8-01-88  12:00a
PBREADME DOC     12213   8-01-88  12:00a
PBSETUP  SCR     16587   8-01-88  12:00a
PBSETUP  EXE     26253   8-01-88  12:00a
PBSETUP  MSG      2314   8-01-88  12:00a
PRINTERS DAT      1624   8-01-88  12:00a
SANSERIF FNT      5928   8-01-88  12:00a
SCRIPT   FNT      6578   8-01-88  12:00a
THINKJET PDV       644   8-01-88  12:00a
TI855    PDV       831   8-01-88  12:00a
TOSHBW   PDV      1023   8-01-88  12:00a
TOSHBWW  PDV      1022   8-01-88  12:00a
TOSHCW   PDV      1154   8-01-88  12:00a
TWO      DEV      1164   8-01-88  12:00a
       60 file(s)     342727 bytes
                           0 bytes free