PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


IBM TopView 1.00

From IBM’s August 14, 1984 Announcement Letter:

The IBM Personal Computer TopView program and TopView Programmer’s ToolKit provide windowing capability with concurrent execution of multiple applications.


  • Windowing capability provided.
  • Concurrent execution of multiple applications (multitasking) allowed.
  • A user-supplied ‘mouse’ as a pointing device.
  • Both text and graphics applications allowed.
  • User may cut/copy and paste between windows.
  • Interactive tutorial and HELP text included.

The machine below is configured to automatically start TopView 1.00 on top of PC DOS 2.00. If you don’t use a mouse, then you must use TopView’s “Keyboard Mouse” support: arrow keys move the cursor, and Home, PgUp, and Alt act as mouse buttons. Mouse support is automatically loaded in the PCjs Debugger configuration.

Directory listings of the original Program and Tutorial disks are provided below.

[PCjs Machine "ibm5160"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5160" to load....

Directory of IBM TopView 1.00 (Program)

 Volume in drive A is TUP011085
 Directory of A:\

TV       PIF     13946   1-10-85  12:00p
TV       PII      1408   1-10-85  12:00p
TV       EXT     49731   1-10-85  12:00p
FDPGM    COM       187   1-10-85  12:00p
TV       COM     43008   1-10-85  12:00p
SETUP    BAT        74   1-10-85  12:00p
ADD      EXT     16384   1-10-85  12:00p
ATRIBUTE DEF        32   1-10-85  12:00p
AUTOPIF            369   1-10-85  12:00p
G        BAT        33   1-10-85  12:00p
CHANGE   EXT     13568   1-10-85  12:00p
CLOCK    COM      3682   1-10-85  12:00p
CLOCK    PLB      2071   1-10-85  12:00p
COLORS   EXT     10752   1-10-85  12:00p
COLORS   PIF       369   1-10-85  12:00p
DELETE   EXT      6400   1-10-85  12:00p
DOS      EXT     39168   1-10-85  12:00p
DOSHELP  PLB     10237   1-10-85  12:00p
DW1      TBL        51   1-10-85  12:00p
DW2      TBL        51   1-10-85  12:00p
EW       TBL        55   1-10-85  12:00p
FD       BAT      6163   1-10-85  12:00p
FDR      BAT        46   1-10-85  12:00p
FILTER   EXT      3905   1-10-85  12:00p
PCW      TBL        55   1-10-85  12:00p
PDIO     EXT      3072   1-10-85  12:00p
PDIOKEYB EXT      3072   1-10-85  12:00p
PDIOMICP EXT      3222   1-10-85  12:00p
PDIOMICS EXT      3209   1-10-85  12:00p
PDIOMSY1 EXT      3096   1-10-85  12:00p
PDIOVIS1 EXT      3214   1-10-85  12:00p
PE       TBL        44   1-10-85  12:00p
PROFED   TBL        65   1-10-85  12:00p
PROGRAMS COM     11520   1-10-85  12:00p
PROGRAMS HLP      9979   1-10-85  12:00p
SETSYS   EXT     11008   1-10-85  12:00p
SYSTEM              84   1-10-85  12:00p
TUTORPIF           369   1-10-85  12:00p
WA       TBL        56   1-10-85  12:00p
WELCOME  EXT      2560   1-10-85  12:00p
WP       TBL        53   1-10-85  12:00p
VENDOR-# DO1*        0   7-04-83
       42 file(s)     276368 bytes
                       58368 bytes free

Directory of IBM TopView 1.00 (Tutorial)

 Volume in drive A is TUT110784
 Directory of A:\

CALC     EXE     56549  11-07-84  12:00p
CALC     PIF       369  11-07-84  12:00p
CALC     PLB      5133  11-07-84  12:00p
ERROR    LIB      8765  11-07-84  12:00p
GASWAP   BAT       758  11-07-84  12:00p
INSTRUCT GRA      2540  11-07-84  12:00p
INSTRUCT WRT      2734  11-07-84  12:00p
LESSON1  LIB     56019  11-07-84  12:00p
LESSON2  LIB     10256  11-07-84  12:00p
LESSON3  LIB     10083  11-07-84  12:00p
LESSON4  LIB     43072  11-07-84  12:00p
OCRS     PIF       369  11-07-84  12:00p
QUD      PNL       121  11-07-84  12:00p
QUIT     PNL       139  11-07-84  12:00p
TUTORIAL EXT      6556  11-07-84  12:00p
TUTORIAL PIF       369  11-07-84  12:00p
WASWAP   BAT      1190  11-07-84  12:00p
VENDOR-# DO1*        0   7-04-83
       18 file(s)     205022 bytes
                      146432 bytes free