PCjs Machines

Home of the original IBM PC emulator for browsers.


PC-SIG Diskette Library (Disk #2638)

[PCjs Machine "ibm5170"]

Waiting for machine "ibm5170" to load....


Disk No: 2638                                                           
Disk Title: MARXMENU                                                    
PC-SIG Version: S1                                                      
Program Title: MarxMenu                                                 
Author Version: 4/91                                                    
Author Registration: $59.95                                             
Special Requirements: Hard drive.                                       
MARXMENU is a very powerful menu/job control language with nearly 500   
commands. MARXMENU gives you complete screen control, supports          
conditional menu options, supports math and string functions, lets you  
design professional looking exploding and shadowed windows, and uses no 
RAM! MARXMENU is especially good on networks.                           
This menu is intended for users with enough knowledge to write batch    
files. While it certainly isn't the easiest menu program around,        
MARXMENU might be one of the most powerful.                             
1030D East Duane Avenue                                                 
Sunnyvale  Ca. 94086                                                    
(408) 730-9291                                                          
(c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.                                         


║                <<<<  PC-SIG Disk #2638  MARXMENU  >>>>                  ║
║ To install the program, type:  INSTALL  (press Enter)                   ║
║                                                                         ║
║ To print the order form, type:  COPY ORDER.TXT PRN  (press Enter)       ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                                                         ║
║                                           Copyright 1991, PC-SIG, Inc.  ║


   Other Computer Tyme Software:

   The Computer Tyme Dos ToolBox... Makes DOS easier for the novice,
   more powerful for the professional.

   DIRECTORY MASTER is a powerful hard disk managment utility. It
   brings up your hard disk files and allows you to mark selected
   files so you can copy them, delete them, or move them. It also
   allows you to rename files, change dates, and change attributes.
   You can also run programs or set up your function keys to run
   programs on selected files.

   DOLIST makes being at DOS easier. It gives you full line editing,
   like a word processor, for your commands. It also stores commands
   so that you can re-execute them. It remembers subdirectories and
   allows you to go back to them by pressing the TAB key. It offers
   programmable function keys, DOS extensions, multiple execution,
   and many more features you have got to have.

   PICK DIRECTORY allows you to move through the directory system by
   displaying a graphic tree and letting you use your arrow keys to
   move around. It also lets you create, delete, rename, and hide

   TEDIT (from SemWare) is a powerful, easy to use full screen

   MARXTSR is a set of memory and TSR management utilities that let
   you load and unload TSRs (Terminate and stay resident programs)
   from memory. Utilities to list menory allocation and turn TSR's
   on and off.

   And many more ... Also includes is D, a fancy directory listing
   program; WHEREIS, for finding stuff on you hard disk, SORT, MOVE,
   FIND, FREE, PIPEDIR, VERSION, and many more.

   The Dos Toolbox sells for $59.95.


   We are also selling QEdit from Semware. QEdit is a professional
   editor from Semware. TEdit is a mini version of QEdit. If you
   like TEdit, You'll love QEdit.

   1-800-548-5353 Order Line
   1-417-866-1222 Voice Line
   1-417-866-1665 BBS Data line * 1200/2400 * 8N1 * ANSI or VT100

   MarxMenu comes with MarxEdit and MARXTSR manager and a few goodies out of
   the DOS ToolBox. The Network Survival Kit is a network version of almost
   every utility I've ever written. It's sold on a per fileserver basis.

            ____|__     |               (tm)
         --|       |    |-------------------
           |   ____|__  |  Association of
           |  |       |_|  Shareware
           |__|   o   |    Professionals
         -----|   |   |---------------------
              |___|___|    APPROVED VENDOR


        Make Check            Computer Tyme            Order Form
        Payable To:    411 North Sherman Suite 300
                          Springfield Mo. 65802
                     (417) 866-1222  (800) 548-5353

        Please send me Computer Tyme Software.


        Name:        ________________________________________________

        Address:     ________________________________________________

        City/St/Zip: ________________________________________________

        Phone:       ________________________________________________

        Computer:    ________________________________________________

        Got From:    ________________________________________________

        Comments:    ________________________________________________


        Single User Version:

        ___ Enclosed is $59.95 for MarxMenu.

        ___ Enclosed is $35.00 for the DOS ToolBox. (Special Reg. $59.95)

        ___ Enclosed is $75.00 for MarxMenu, the Dos ToolBox and DM3.

        Network Version (1 per file server):

        ___ Enclosed is $495 for Network Survival Kit.

        ___ Add $3.00 for Shipping and Handling.

        ___ I need 3 1/2 Inch Media.

        Credit Card Number: _______________ Expiration Date: ________

        Master Card __   Visa __   Discover __

                    * We do not take American Express *


Directory of PC-SIG Library Disk #2638

 Volume in drive A is #2638 S1.0
 Directory of A:\

INSTALL  BAT      2354   3-20-91  10:06a
ORDER    TXT      4340   4-24-91   3:32p
MENUS    EXE    318147   4-24-91   3:52p
FILE2638 TXT      1777   6-24-91   4:36p
GO       BAT        38   1-31-91  12:58a
GO       TXT       771   6-24-91   4:47p
        6 file(s)     327427 bytes
                       31744 bytes free

PC-SIG Library Disk #2638